Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Many people in this country (users or non-users) are looking to legalize marijuana.

I’ve taken some time and consideration on the issue, and I have come to a decision. Unfortunately, being a great realist (or perhaps pessimist would be more fitting), I do not understand why people would want to legalize marijuana. It doesn’t make sense.
They say that legalization of marijuana would fix the economy. There would be taxes on marijuana and the government would make wonderful money off of it. They say that legalizing pot would keep many, many people out of jail. No longer would we waste government spending on criminals that did not do anything very wrong.
Unfortunately, if they aren’t in it for drug use, they’re in it for tax evasion. Six one, half a dozen another. Nothing changes. Legalizing marijuana wont fix anything–it wont save the world. It is a fact that most drug users in jail are in it because of violence. Most non-violent drug users get treatment, not jail-time. Only 5% of criminals in jail are in it because of simple possession.
We are fed the propaganda that drugs are terrible, that they are monstrous, that doing them one time will kill us. That isn’t the case. However, they aren’t particularly good either. I don’t mind drug users (different strokes for different folks), but legalizing it will not FIX ANYTHING. Because we get to high school or college, and we discover that we in fact will not die from smoking pot or drinking alcohol, that doesn’t mean that we should go overboard. Because we learn that what teachers have told us since first grade isn’t accurate doesn’t mean that we should go after the heroin.

That’s my tangent for the day. In laments terms… don’t bitch to me about wanting to legalize pot.

Have a wonderful day!

Elizabeth <3

P.S. Don’t judge me. I’m willing to compromise, convince me if you can!

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The more I think about it, the more I realize that morality is mainly a conditioned response.

From the time we are children we are “taught” right from wrong. When we do something socially incorrect, we get punished, when we do something that is acceptable in society, we are rewarded. The way we are taught right from wrong isn’t much different than how a scientist conditions a rat to push a lever. If a child was raised without ever being taught right and wrong, or being punished for actions, I highly doubt they would have much of a “conscience,” which could also be described as the internal response to our moral choices.

If what I say is true, then the belief that humans are naturally good is foolish. More accurately it should be described as “humans are naturally bad, but taught and raised to be good” Humans are naturally greedy, selfish, seeking and doing what profits them the most, the countless wars of history are proof enough for that. It only makes sense then that the world is in such an awful state because there are currently more people alive than there have been those who have ever died.

Hmmm… That’s all I have for now, food for thought, though.

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Humans are interesting beings; We feel very strongly about all our opinions, but most of them are just lines we picked up from our parents or teachers, and we have neither interest nor knowledge in the subject. So just to be clear, this is the form I’ll be using in this post:

<Seemingly contradictory statement>

Alright, we ready? Here we go!

“I’m not a racist!”
“I’m not ready for a black president.”

“Marijuana is a dangerous gateway drug, and should be illegal!”
“Come on guys, let’s go get shitfaced!”

“Apple is evil.”
“Microsoft is awesome!”

“Microsoft is evil.”
“Apple is awesome!”

“Dear Jesus, can we get some of the world peace, please?”
“Fuckin towelheads, think they can come here and do as they please, thinkin they own the damn place!?”

“I’m for democracy, and I they should have it too!”
“What, those people won? They’re terrorists! They’re an illegitimate fascist militant government!”

“We need to balance the budget!”
“What!? Gas is up 3 cents!?”

“Small government! Taxcuts taxcuts taxcuts!”
“Government better stay the hell away from my medicare!”

“I accept Jesus as my savior, I’m a born again Christian, and I read the bible every day!”
“Their religion preaches violence!”

And finally:

“Hey, Jesus, how about you give us some of that world peace, eh?”
“Socialism is nice on paper, but it’d never work out in real life!”


Song of the blog: The Tip of  the iceberg

Sincerely yours

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I’ve been pondering what my first official post should be on BRBcoffee.

The conclusion I came to was a post of what I, thus far, know I can write decently about. That would be poetry. So without further adieu. I present to you one of my poems.

What is hope?

I believe hope is the idea, that tomorrow will be better than today.
That the one thing you want the most, might someday be yours.
Like a candle in the dark, it lights our future. To some,

the flame might be brighter than to others.
The flame is fragile though, it can easily be blown out, lost, by the smallest wind.
If the flame is lost, to keep your flame sustained, and you theirs.
The two lights become one, and glow brighter, allowing you to see the obstacles ahead of you better,
and helps you get through it.

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Warning: I am very angry right now, and this post reflects that. It contains filthy language, and is bursting at the seams with hate. Just thought you should know before I exposed you to this. <3

Dear Windows, I motherfucking hate your guts! In tandem with java you are everything that is wrong with the computer world. You represent every-fucking-thing that I hate. I am so God damn pissed with you both right now, you can’t even begin to comprehend the glowing hot rage I harbor for you.

Tell me, Windows, which other operating system in the known WORLD will just plain fucking stop listening to input, hmmm? Don’t you think input might be a teensy tiny bit FUCKING IMPORTANT!? And you! Java! You asscock! Don’t you dare think I’d forgotten about you! I can’t think of anything quite as obscenely useless as a programming language that refuses to compile to an external file, but works just “fine” inside an IDE. And I say “fine” because there’s no such thing as “fine” with java, only java-fine, which is only marginally better than thundershittingly bad.

And guess who can force java to behave? That’s right, Mac OS X can. It’s the exact same fucking project, I just copied the damn files over, but noooo, Windows can’t do shit with it, that’s for GOOD operating systems!

Person breaking computer with sledge

And one last thing, and I want you both to hear this! Windows, I’m having another affair with Linux. Java, I’m having an affair with Haskell. Both of them do things for me that you guys wouldn’t even dare to try! So from one exhausted and pissed off coder to two piss poor tools, I hate you both, and I hope you rot in 64-bit hell!



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