Humans are interesting beings; We feel very strongly about all our opinions, but most of them are just lines we picked up from our parents or teachers, and we have neither interest nor knowledge in the subject. So just to be clear, this is the form I’ll be using in this post:

<Seemingly contradictory statement>

Alright, we ready? Here we go!

“I’m not a racist!”
“I’m not ready for a black president.”

“Marijuana is a dangerous gateway drug, and should be illegal!”
“Come on guys, let’s go get shitfaced!”

“Apple is evil.”
“Microsoft is awesome!”

“Microsoft is evil.”
“Apple is awesome!”

“Dear Jesus, can we get some of the world peace, please?”
“Fuckin towelheads, think they can come here and do as they please, thinkin they own the damn place!?”

“I’m for democracy, and I they should have it too!”
“What, those people won? They’re terrorists! They’re an illegitimate fascist militant government!”

“We need to balance the budget!”
“What!? Gas is up 3 cents!?”

“Small government! Taxcuts taxcuts taxcuts!”
“Government better stay the hell away from my medicare!”

“I accept Jesus as my savior, I’m a born again Christian, and I read the bible every day!”
“Their religion preaches violence!”

And finally:

“Hey, Jesus, how about you give us some of that world peace, eh?”
“Socialism is nice on paper, but it’d never work out in real life!”


Song of the blog: The Tip of  the iceberg

Sincerely yours

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