Posts Tagged ‘windows’
Warning: I am very angry right now, and this post reflects that. It contains filthy language, and is bursting at the seams with hate. Just thought you should know before I exposed you to this. <3
Dear Windows, I motherfucking hate your guts! In tandem with java you are everything that is wrong with the computer world. You represent every-fucking-thing that I hate. I am so God damn pissed with you both right now, you can’t even begin to comprehend the glowing hot rage I harbor for you.
Tell me, Windows, which other operating system in the known WORLD will just plain fucking stop listening to input, hmmm? Don’t you think input might be a teensy tiny bit FUCKING IMPORTANT!? And you! Java! You asscock! Don’t you dare think I’d forgotten about you! I can’t think of anything quite as obscenely useless as a programming language that refuses to compile to an external file, but works just “fine” inside an IDE. And I say “fine” because there’s no such thing as “fine” with java, only java-fine, which is only marginally better than thundershittingly bad.
And guess who can force java to behave? That’s right, Mac OS X can. It’s the exact same fucking project, I just copied the damn files over, but noooo, Windows can’t do shit with it, that’s for GOOD operating systems!

And one last thing, and I want you both to hear this! Windows, I’m having another affair with Linux. Java, I’m having an affair with Haskell. Both of them do things for me that you guys wouldn’t even dare to try! So from one exhausted and pissed off coder to two piss poor tools, I hate you both, and I hope you rot in 64-bit hell!

Alright, hi everyone.
A while ago i bought me a netbook. To be exact, i bought an Acer Aspire One, 532. Lets review my laptop story for a moment: It started with a laptop i acquired when i was about 15, which had the computing power of a glass of water. When i started high school i got another one, which crashed within the year. So i got another one, which crashed, so i got another one. Which crashed. I then got a mac, which for all incests and coinpurses did what it was supposed to. But shit was too expensive and started being a twat. So i sold it, and now i have a netbook!
When i got my netbook, it was preinstalled with windows 7 extremely-basic-lol. I could not even change my goddamn desktop background, because that was a feature too advanced for me! (thats right). Alright, so back when i last bought a laptop with windows on it, it at least contained a windows install disc of the home basic. This one didn’t. Fine, i wasn’t planning on keeping windows, shittymcshitshit that it is.
I downloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix, a brilliant netbook-optimized ubuntu version. And i am loving it. It is awesome, pretty, useful, and makes my loins jingle with chocolatey goodness!
So thanks Internet, you rock! That is all.
OK is a man sideways. If you did not already know this, was your mind blown? Also, the word bed looks like a bed. The question then becomes, is there a way of putting a man on a bed using nothing but ascii characters?
In other news, Windows 7 has not blue-screened on me for over a day, which is certainly a new record. Granted, I haven’t really done anything, and it has stopped receiving input from a bluetooth keyboard (that it insists is still connected) several times, but you just have to take what you get and run with it.
Going to some concerts tonight… Does anyone know who the fuck the “Skanksters” are?