Posts Tagged ‘concert’
I bet you’ve all been wondering to yourselves “Gee, I wonder why Frida hasn’t bothered us with more stupid anecdotes and feminist propaganda lately????”
I bring to you: The answer to your unasked question!
I’ve been drowning in schoolwork. And political work. And just being too cool to hang around on (Just kidding! You can’t be too cool for, only not cool enough!)
But like I was saying: I’ve been busy having a life. Also, I kind of broke my computer a bit whilst falling (with perfect form, might I add) on the devilish ice, and now it’s a pain to use for writing longer texts. These days, I basically only use it for Criminal Minds, Special Victims Unit and West Wing (my latest obsession, thanks to my “man-friend” [wink-wink, nudge-nudge]).
So why did I choose today to write this blog? To rub your noses in how my terrible day turned into a great day!
So first I deliver to you the story of my last couple of weeks.
I fell on ice and broke both my computer and my dignity. All wounds heal, I have some laught about it, and then it happens again. Only this time there wasn’t a computer there to break my fall.
I pretended to be a doctor and did my diagnosis based on receiving it a couple of times before (last time: Also due to falling on ice. Go figure…) I came to the conclussion that I had a mild concussion. No need to fuss, just some dizziness, constant fatigue and the possibility of throwing up. Also: I shouldn’t really try to read, work out or drink alcohol in a week. Only one problem: I go to university. I have to read! (This week: Truman Capote-In Cold Blood)
Then, after a couple of days mostly spent in bed and sitting down and stuff, I go to work my first shift in this student-bar. And I did hit my head mildly, again, so I didn’t manage to go into work today because standing up made me sick. And I had this meeting, and it was a massive failure, and a lot of things just plain sucked. I drop by my man-friends place to pick up some stuff (he’s in Oslo again, so I’ll have to go to the Wombats-concert alone. And I still can’t drink. Yay!) and I go home. (Doesn’t really sound like this day is getting better, does it?)
Back home I check my mail.
CA-CHING!!!!!!!! (For those of you who can’t read the pixeled [is that a word?] tickets: Me and 4 friends are going to see Foo Fighters! On our way to Roskilde. Yeah, that’s a big festival. In Denmark.)
(Also: I was going to use paper-clips or staples to keep the two sheets of tickets together, but couldn’t find any, so enjoy my sparkling blue hair-clips.)
Oh, and by the way: My hair is red now.
Zooming in and out of focus,
This was Frida.
Your beloved admin just came home from a concert with the Norwegian band Kråkesølv, which is the norwegian word for mica.

This is mica, which is not the band Kråkesølv.
Kråkesølv is a band from my home-town, Bodø, which lies in the northern part of Norway. I went to a concert they had up north some time ago, and was quite disappointed. I’d been told they were incredible, yet the concert was as boring as it was noisy. I do not know whether I was drugged, or they where, but this time the experience couldn’t be more different.
As some of the more perceptive among you might be able to tell, I was most impressed with Kråkesølvs performance. They started out with a promising tune, and their first song earned plenty of applause from the audience. Now there were two performances going on at the same time, of which this was the minor one, which I had only patriotically chosen to attend, so the audience must have fallen short of 60 people, but the atmosphere was great, and the warm-up band had really gotten us excited. After the first song ended, one of the band-members told us that he would like to dedicate the concert to his, and another band-member’s, late grandmother, whose funeral they had to pass up in order to play for us. That really gave the concert a personal feel, but without making it a dreary process.
As the concert went on I became more and more convinced that this was some other band than the one I had listened to before. They were all so into the music, and after one song one of them commented that they had not sounded that good in a long time. The music really did come alive on that small stage from which it blasted.

Amazing live artists, you can really tell they love what they do.
The concert ended with the best song I believe I’ve heard in 2010. I think they said it was brand new, it certainly had a different style than the other music they played. While the main focus had definitely been on the vocals up to this point, this one really let the instruments come into their own. It’s not like the vocals were neglected though, it was just that there was less of an obvious divide between the song and the rest of the music than there had been before. Their last song was also more upbeat and rocky than the rest of the concert, while remaining melodic, and it was still recognizably their type of music.
To summarize, if you ever have the chance to attend a Kråkesølv concert, take my advice and do so. Pass up anything you have to pass up, because when these guys are having a good day, they’re pretty much the best, and who doesn’t love awesome music? I know I am looking forward to the next time I can hear them live, and I’ll be checking out their recorded music too, first chance I get.
OK is a man sideways. If you did not already know this, was your mind blown? Also, the word bed looks like a bed. The question then becomes, is there a way of putting a man on a bed using nothing but ascii characters?
In other news, Windows 7 has not blue-screened on me for over a day, which is certainly a new record. Granted, I haven’t really done anything, and it has stopped receiving input from a bluetooth keyboard (that it insists is still connected) several times, but you just have to take what you get and run with it.
Going to some concerts tonight… Does anyone know who the fuck the “Skanksters” are?