Many people in this country (users or non-users) are looking to legalize marijuana.

I’ve taken some time and consideration on the issue, and I have come to a decision. Unfortunately, being a great realist (or perhaps pessimist would be more fitting), I do not understand why people would want to legalize marijuana. It doesn’t make sense.
They say that legalization of marijuana would fix the economy. There would be taxes on marijuana and the government would make wonderful money off of it. They say that legalizing pot would keep many, many people out of jail. No longer would we waste government spending on criminals that did not do anything very wrong.
Unfortunately, if they aren’t in it for drug use, they’re in it for tax evasion. Six one, half a dozen another. Nothing changes. Legalizing marijuana wont fix anything–it wont save the world. It is a fact that most drug users in jail are in it because of violence. Most non-violent drug users get treatment, not jail-time. Only 5% of criminals in jail are in it because of simple possession.
We are fed the propaganda that drugs are terrible, that they are monstrous, that doing them one time will kill us. That isn’t the case. However, they aren’t particularly good either. I don’t mind drug users (different strokes for different folks), but legalizing it will not FIX ANYTHING. Because we get to high school or college, and we discover that we in fact will not die from smoking pot or drinking alcohol, that doesn’t mean that we should go overboard. Because we learn that what teachers have told us since first grade isn’t accurate doesn’t mean that we should go after the heroin.

That’s my tangent for the day. In laments terms… don’t bitch to me about wanting to legalize pot.

Have a wonderful day!

Elizabeth <3

P.S. Don’t judge me. I’m willing to compromise, convince me if you can!

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