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“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.”
-William Dement

As you may have surmised from my earlier writings, I am somewhat of a strange soul. Nothing reflects this better than my dreams; a bizarre collection of things which would probably frighten a small child and will undoubtedly leave you, the reader, feeling confused and possibly violated. On that note, enjoy!

A dream I had recently involved myself, Chris Cornell, and a mechanical bull. Take a moment, let it sink in. Okay okay, it’s not as weird as it sounds…actually yes it is. The dream started in my kitchen, with me watching myself through a mirror. All of a sudden, I was riding a mechanical bull, right there in my kitchen! I was wearing a cowboy hat, yes, but most importantly, I had a six-pack that was pretty ridiculous. Out of nowhere, Chris Cornell- the singer from Soundgarden, Audioslave, etc.- shows up in my kitchen while I’m still riding the bull, and he starts singing. Why the devil was Chris Cornell in my dream?! He’s a great singer of course, but I have no special affiliation with him. Anyways, when he was done singing and I was done riding, I decided I desperately needed to make some toast. I put the bread in the toaster, then looked in while it was toasting and discovered, to my surprise, that my toast was wearing a wig! This didn’t concern me, however, for I was only worried that the wig would interfere with my toast toasting properly. Luckily, the toast came out a perfect golden brown and I enjoyed it immensely. That’s the end of my dream.

Pretty much like that.

Analyze that, Freud.

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Missionaries. *shakes head disapprovingly* I do not understand them.

First of all, I somewhat hate people who think their beliefs are the only correct ones and therefore have the audacity to try and “fix” or force down their beliefs into the throats of those who are different. It is so absolutely arrogant that it disgusts me. Christian missionaries are, in my opinion, by far the worst when it comes to such nonsense.

Let’s look at the classic example of white man vs. Native American. Back in the day, European settlers came to America and ran into the believed-to-be lesser race of people known as Native Americans/”Indians.” These people did not worship the one Christian God nor had they ever heard of, let alone believed in, Jesus Christ. Well well, the Euro’s thought, they must be savages! They believed that God is everything and everything is God; they worshiped the very ground they walked upon; how beastly! Unlike their haughty Christian counterparts, the Native Americans didn’t lay waste to any- and every-thing that came across  their paths in the name of Christ. So what happened? The Native Americans were slaughtered, herded like cattle, and/or forcefully converted to Christianity by the so-called true Christians. Decades of degradation, poverty, and a lack of human rights ensued and we now find ourselves coming full-circle. Missionaries are now being sent to the utterly poor and crime-riddled Indian Reservations in order to do “God’s work” by helping to ease such conditions which, if we actually think about it, are in existence today because of the very same missionary work started a couple of centuries ago. Bravo, Christianity, bravo! 

I just don’t get how that makes sense to anyone, but sure enough- there are still hundreds of thousands of missionaries at work around the world. In no way am I saying that being a Christian is bad or that Christian beliefs are the wrong beliefs. What I am saying is that we all should be made more aware of the hypocrisy which often comes along with dogmatic beliefs- not just in Christianity but in religions and other groups worldwide. It is so dangerous to lose the value of open-mindedness, as is evident by so many things in history- holy wars, ethnic cleansing, witch hunts, etc.

Though I do not expect such a thing to happen, I do hope that a day will come when the human race can get past that natural tendency of putting one’s own way of life on a pedestal and looking down upon all others who do not share in that path.

“You have your way. I have my way.  As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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Well I hope ya’ll aren’t sick of me yet, because I have another blog in me and it deals with drunken venting.

Summer quarter…first of all, I believe the very statement to be an abomination to mankind. It’s just not natural to attend school in the summer, ESPECIALLY by choice. And by choice, I mean wanting to get your first level  of a college degree complete. Now, I thought the classes I signed up for (2 yoga classes, 1 communications class, and 1 computer class) would be a piece of cake. How wrong I was. Oh how very wrong I was. This quarter is shaping up to be one of my worst. I love yoga so far and the communications class is fairly easy, but the computer class….my god, it feels like a curse has been placed upon me by Zeus himself. In fact, this computer class deserves an entire paragraph of its own, therefore:

Where to begin? Let’s start with the textbook issue. Foolish me decided to buy what I thought was the needed textbook from a friend last quarter. Luckily, it was the textbook I needed- at least ONE of them. Yeah, unbeknownst to me, we actually needed a whole textbook bundle which includes the one textbook I have, a $70 access code to  this dumb internet site, the cd which holds all needed software/files, and another textbook. Needless to say, I’m currently fucked. Because of this issue, I have to do all my schoolwork on campus computers, and as if things weren’t going bad enough, they’ve decided to cut computer lab hours this quarter.

The worst part of all is the disappointment I feel in myself. Why did I trust this friend of mine to give and/or know what I needed for this class? Why didn’t I just buy my damn book from the criminally over-priced campus bookstore? *sigh* GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

I apologize for any misspellings/incorrect grammar. I am drunk right now.


P.S.- I also apologize for bitching about my life. Believe it or not, I know I have things pretty good. I just felt like using this blog to vent.

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Greetings one and all!

The time has come for my blog about Olympia. The town of Olympia is the smallish and unique capital of Washington state. It’s an interesting mix of middle-aged conservative politicians and radical hippie youth, and for this reason I love it. I am fortunate enough to have a sister who lives over there, which therefore allows me to make semi-regular trips to the “west side.”

On my last particular trip, nothing too exciting happened, but it was fun nonetheless. I was able to celebrate my sister and her husband’s 3rd year wedding anniversary (we ate, drank, and got perhaps a little too merry), saw the latest A-Team movie (not very enjoyable), and ventured into Seattle for what turned into an awesome night chalk full of Michael Jackson, classic tourist activities, and disgruntled park employees. All in all, it was a success!

Oly isn’t your typical near-the-sea town, it’s quirkier than Seattle, more welcoming than Tacoma, and simply different from any other place I’ve visited. As I said before, it’s inhabited by a unique blend of drastically different types of people- politicians, hippies, musicians, druggies, a few republicans, and just about any other type of person you can think of. As a whole, the town is more health-conscious than most and seems to promote inner and outer peace as well as happiness. I have yet to meet a single high-strung person inhabiting the place.

While I do love being over there, I cannot deny that my true home is and probably always will be Spokane (the city on the other side of the state). I know not why I feel more at home here; it’s drastically more conservative, the climate is almost hellish, and yet it’s my home. Perhaps someday I will feel the pull to move away, but it is not this day. I appreciate my hometown for its pros, its cons, and everything in between. What can I say? I feel content where I live. I count myself as one of the lucky ones.

And on that note, I bid you, my reader, a fond farewell!

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Can you believe that it’s already been one year since the death of Michael Jackson? I cannot; it seems only yesterday I was getting a call from my best friend, informing me of the sad news which, if I am being completely honest with myself, I still haven’t fully accepted. I know this sounds like something one of those crazy Elvis fans would say, and you’re completely allowed to call me a freak if you so desire, but there is a tiny shred of hope inside of me that says, in a hushed whisper, “Maybe he’s still alive…”

And now come the lasers:

In honor of the Michael, I, along with my sister, attended the MJ laser light show in Seattle. Now, I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I heard the term “laser show.” I thought perhaps it would be like a Michael Jackson concert with laser reincarnations of Michael and the band, but I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong. Instead, what I experienced was an eye-melting display of drug-inspired laser patterns projected onto the dome ceiling of the Pacific Science Center which rhythmically corresponded to MJ songs. Don’t get me wrong, it was totally enjoyable and worthwhile, but it simply didn’t live up to my unrealistically high expectations. Honestly, I probably would have paid the same $8 to sit in the dark and listen to MJ on that awesome sound system AND I got to see/take a picture with an amazing impersonator.

I was/still am pretty jealous.

Overall, it was a success. Was it a lifelike recreation of an MJ concert? No, but I’m okay with that. It’s the closest I will ever come to attending one of his real concerts and it was certainly a hell of a lot cheaper. I’d recommend seeing a laser show, specifically one at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, WA (shameless plug), to any- and every- one. It’s fun, it’s different, it ruins your eyesight, but most of all- it’s a justification to the benefits of drug use.

And with that, I say good day!

P.S.- If you’re interested in more of my experiences whilst over in Seattle/Olympia, you can look forward to my up and coming blog documenting my trip. 🙂  And if you’re not interested, well then screw you.

Just kidding.

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