“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.”
-William Dement
As you may have surmised from my earlier writings, I am somewhat of a strange soul. Nothing reflects this better than my dreams; a bizarre collection of things which would probably frighten a small child and will undoubtedly leave you, the reader, feeling confused and possibly violated. On that note, enjoy!
A dream I had recently involved myself, Chris Cornell, and a mechanical bull. Take a moment, let it sink in. Okay okay, it’s not as weird as it sounds…actually yes it is. The dream started in my kitchen, with me watching myself through a mirror. All of a sudden, I was riding a mechanical bull, right there in my kitchen! I was wearing a cowboy hat, yes, but most importantly, I had a six-pack that was pretty ridiculous. Out of nowhere, Chris Cornell- the singer from Soundgarden, Audioslave, etc.- shows up in my kitchen while I’m still riding the bull, and he starts singing. Why the devil was Chris Cornell in my dream?! He’s a great singer of course, but I have no special affiliation with him. Anyways, when he was done singing and I was done riding, I decided I desperately needed to make some toast. I put the bread in the toaster, then looked in while it was toasting and discovered, to my surprise, that my toast was wearing a wig! This didn’t concern me, however, for I was only worried that the wig would interfere with my toast toasting properly. Luckily, the toast came out a perfect golden brown and I enjoyed it immensely. That’s the end of my dream.
Analyze that, Freud.