Posts Tagged ‘spokane’

Greetings one and all!

The time has come for my blog about Olympia. The town of Olympia is the smallish and unique capital of Washington state. It’s an interesting mix of middle-aged conservative politicians and radical hippie youth, and for this reason I love it. I am fortunate enough to have a sister who lives over there, which therefore allows me to make semi-regular trips to the “west side.”

On my last particular trip, nothing too exciting happened, but it was fun nonetheless. I was able to celebrate my sister and her husband’s 3rd year wedding anniversary (we ate, drank, and got perhaps a little too merry), saw the latest A-Team movie (not very enjoyable), and ventured into Seattle for what turned into an awesome night chalk full of Michael Jackson, classic tourist activities, and disgruntled park employees. All in all, it was a success!

Oly isn’t your typical near-the-sea town, it’s quirkier than Seattle, more welcoming than Tacoma, and simply different from any other place I’ve visited. As I said before, it’s inhabited by a unique blend of drastically different types of people- politicians, hippies, musicians, druggies, a few republicans, and just about any other type of person you can think of. As a whole, the town is more health-conscious than most and seems to promote inner and outer peace as well as happiness. I have yet to meet a single high-strung person inhabiting the place.

While I do love being over there, I cannot deny that my true home is and probably always will be Spokane (the city on the other side of the state). I know not why I feel more at home here; it’s drastically more conservative, the climate is almost hellish, and yet it’s my home. Perhaps someday I will feel the pull to move away, but it is not this day. I appreciate my hometown for its pros, its cons, and everything in between. What can I say? I feel content where I live. I count myself as one of the lucky ones.

And on that note, I bid you, my reader, a fond farewell!

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