Can you believe that it’s already been one year since the death of Michael Jackson? I cannot; it seems only yesterday I was getting a call from my best friend, informing me of the sad news which, if I am being completely honest with myself, I still haven’t fully accepted. I know this sounds like something one of those crazy Elvis fans would say, and you’re completely allowed to call me a freak if you so desire, but there is a tiny shred of hope inside of me that says, in a hushed whisper, “Maybe he’s still alive…”

And now come the lasers:

In honor of the Michael, I, along with my sister, attended the MJ laser light show in Seattle. Now, I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I heard the term “laser show.” I thought perhaps it would be like a Michael Jackson concert with laser reincarnations of Michael and the band, but I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong. Instead, what I experienced was an eye-melting display of drug-inspired laser patterns projected onto the dome ceiling of the Pacific Science Center which rhythmically corresponded to MJ songs. Don’t get me wrong, it was totally enjoyable and worthwhile, but it simply didn’t live up to my unrealistically high expectations. Honestly, I probably would have paid the same $8 to sit in the dark and listen to MJ on that awesome sound system AND I got to see/take a picture with an amazing impersonator.

I was/still am pretty jealous.

Overall, it was a success. Was it a lifelike recreation of an MJ concert? No, but I’m okay with that. It’s the closest I will ever come to attending one of his real concerts and it was certainly a hell of a lot cheaper. I’d recommend seeing a laser show, specifically one at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, WA (shameless plug), to any- and every- one. It’s fun, it’s different, it ruins your eyesight, but most of all- it’s a justification to the benefits of drug use.

And with that, I say good day!

P.S.- If you’re interested in more of my experiences whilst over in Seattle/Olympia, you can look forward to my up and coming blog documenting my trip. 🙂  And if you’re not interested, well then screw you.

Just kidding.

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