Well I hope ya’ll aren’t sick of me yet, because I have another blog in me and it deals with drunken venting.

Summer quarter…first of all, I believe the very statement to be an abomination to mankind. It’s just not natural to attend school in the summer, ESPECIALLY by choice. And by choice, I mean wanting to get your first level  of a college degree complete. Now, I thought the classes I signed up for (2 yoga classes, 1 communications class, and 1 computer class) would be a piece of cake. How wrong I was. Oh how very wrong I was. This quarter is shaping up to be one of my worst. I love yoga so far and the communications class is fairly easy, but the computer class….my god, it feels like a curse has been placed upon me by Zeus himself. In fact, this computer class deserves an entire paragraph of its own, therefore:

Where to begin? Let’s start with the textbook issue. Foolish me decided to buy what I thought was the needed textbook from a friend last quarter. Luckily, it was the textbook I needed- at least ONE of them. Yeah, unbeknownst to me, we actually needed a whole textbook bundle which includes the one textbook I have, a $70 access code to  this dumb internet site, the cd which holds all needed software/files, and another textbook. Needless to say, I’m currently fucked. Because of this issue, I have to do all my schoolwork on campus computers, and as if things weren’t going bad enough, they’ve decided to cut computer lab hours this quarter.

The worst part of all is the disappointment I feel in myself. Why did I trust this friend of mine to give and/or know what I needed for this class? Why didn’t I just buy my damn book from the criminally over-priced campus bookstore? *sigh* GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

I apologize for any misspellings/incorrect grammar. I am drunk right now.


P.S.- I also apologize for bitching about my life. Believe it or not, I know I have things pretty good. I just felt like using this blog to vent.

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