Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Attention one and all! The first official threat of snow has reached the city of Spokane (my town)! WOO HOO!

Alright alright, so writing a blog entirely about snow may not be too exciting for the loyal Norwegian fan and author base of BRBcoffee, but it is for me! You see, last winter we got about one week of snow….and that was it (and you tell me global warming isn’t a real thing). I live in one of the northernmost states of America, save Alaska, and so I felt rather gypped when I couldn’t even scrounge together a single snowball. 🙁 However, starting this week, I could start seeing the flakes fly at almost any time.

When the snow starts, that means it’s almost time for Christmas and you know what that means: Christmas music! Oh yeah, baby, I am one of those freaky Americans that loves Christmas music with all her little heart. Not gonna lie, I’m listening to some right now as a prelude to the up and coming holiday season. It’s very strange, I usually try to avoid any and all things related to Christianity, but when it comes to Christmas music, I absolutely love the religious stuff. I know not why, it’s not like I believe in the message, they just tend to be very beautiful- from a purely listener’s point of view.

Now, I suggest you all watch what happens to be one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies, White Christmas:

Snow, snow, snow, snow, snooooow!

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Hello, my dearies.

I thought I would share with you the tale of the low attention span man.

In his childhood, he could never stick with an activity, because he got tired of football. So he started with taekwondo. He got tired of that, so he started wrestling. He got tired of that, so he started gaming. He switched games and/or characters constantly.

Then he got into politics. He attended lots of stuff, and eventually got himself some positions in boards. He also started a bachelor in political science. But he lost focus after one year, and moved away, leaving his political terms half-finished, for someone else to take over.

In his new city, he started an integrated master-program of English, music and pedagogics, which would leave him as a respectable teacher-man. He also got himself lots of new political positions here.

Right now, our hero is considering moving to Oslo. He has a grand scheme in which he will take lots of awesome subjects, like a bachelors degree in middle eastern studies with Arabic and an obligatory term in an Arabic speaking country, and come out the other end as an awesome teacher with a funny hat.

Oh, low attention span man. Will you ever finish an education?

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As none of you may know, this past couple of weeks I have been dieting. This weekend, I failed at said diet. I had been doing really good, honestly, what with eating about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising for at least an hour. But then, yesterday, I pretty much binged. Well, it wasn’t a horrible binge, but I ate about 500 calories of stuff I didn’t need and usually try to avoid (i.e. heavenly sour dough bread, chip-idy doo da’s, straight up alcohol, etc.). To top it all off, I didn’t even exercise. Booyah! Of course, I feel guilty today- but not guilty enough to not eat a piece of homemade apple coffee cake. 😀

Here is my resolution: tomorrow, I jump right back on the ol’ diet bandwagon. Smoothie for breakfast, cup of veggie chili for lunch, and something lean for supper. Le sigh…

Onto more entertaining news, a big, fluffy stray black cat wandered over to my house today! Judging by her well-maintained coat of fur and friendliness to us human folk, she was definitely a house cat. She kept meowing at me and would follow me around the yard. I wanted to steal her! But that would be a bad idea as I am already drowning in a house of fur, thanks to my seven feline babies. My mother and I figured she belonged to the house across the street, but nobody was home when we went over to return her. Not knowing what else to do, we set up a little outdoor cat house for her just in case her people never came home. I wonder if she is still there….

And in even more entertaining news, I’m pretty sure my mother has been possessed by the ghost of Chris Farley’s character in ‘Tommy Boy.’ She is literally sleeping on a nearby couch, half-eaten piece of cake at her side, with her feet twitching about as if she is dream-running, and mumbling some strange nonsense. Dear God.

I bid you adieu!

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There is a male that lives in this household who does not wash his hands after using the bathroom. I know this for a fact, seeing as my study and general “hanging out” area is very near the bathroom. Countless times have I seen him enter the commode, heard the toilet flush, and in a matter of nanoseconds he is out of there. Now, I’m no scientist, but I am fairly certain that the time in between the toilet flushing and the door opening leaves absolutely no possibility of a proper handwash taking place.

Pardon my French, but that is fucking sick.

I wash my hands every time I use the restroom- with soap, warm water, and for a good 30 seconds. I do it mostly because of the frightening thought of who has been there before me and touched all the handles. However, if I regularly had to hold my dirty, urine-spouting penis every time I used the toilet, I’d be washing for a whole different reason. But nooope, not with this one- he could probably take a crap on his hand and he’d just be like, “Eh, it’s just poop. Let me wipe it off on the door handle and call it a day.”

Argghhh, men! Why do you have to be so yucky?

Ok, so I may be a tiny bit of a germaphobe (which isn’t a word by the way, and therefore my auto-corrector has suggested ‘hermaphrodite’ as a correction), but what’s so bad about that? Maybe if there had been a few more of us germaphobes about back in the day, perhaps the Black Plague wouldn’t have wiped out 1/3 of Europe, hm? Well, that’s a pretty horrible supposition, but you see where I’m going with this. Humans have had to develop germ-paranoia because it has been [and still is] incredibly deadly.

In conclusion (<— one of the worst ways to begin a conclusion), I’d like to ask all the men and women and babies and dexterous animals out there to make a conscious effort to wash your motha flippin hands/paws/cyborg arms.  Do it after you use the restroom, before you prepare food, and whenever else you feel like it!

Good Day!

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The weekend passed I spent in Oslo at the Rød Ungdom “Red Youth” film-festival, ProgFilm. I learned some, met some cool and nice people, some old friends, and two of our fellow-authors: Bjørn and Vegard. Huzzah.

The lecture I will focus this entry on was about feminism and sexual harassment. The movie was the sweedish “Hip hip Hora!” (Loosely translated: Hip hip Whore-ay!, but it’s more funny in sweedish…) and the speaker was Hanna Helseth, author of the book “Generation Sex”.

The lecture, and the book, is about sexual harassment, how young girls and women are expected to act a certain way, and how girls who have one-night-stands, or at least are said to have one-night-stands, easily gets labelled as a whore, of cheap. And it’s about sexual assaults, and how they are easily labeled as “reciprocal sex” if the girl/woman has a rumour for sleeping around.

These kinds of lectures always leave me thinking a lot, mostly about how terrible the world is. Middle- and High-school teachers tell their female students that guys pinching their asses is just a childish way of flirting, and that it’s meant tp be a compliment. And girls who dare speak up against it gets labelled as lesbian, “tight” (not in the good “ay, we tight, bro”-way…) and boring. Sometimes even a-sexual, meaning not having any interest in sex – Anti-sexual.

On the other hand: The girls who flirt with these guys, maybe even has a couple of boyfriends, or makes-out with guys sometimes at parties gets the blame for it if they get raped or assaulted in any other way.

How is this fair?

I believe in Simone deBeauvoir when she says that you’re not born a woman, you become one. I believe that society tries to shape girls and women to fit in the mould of “The Perfect Woman”. Not too flirty, not too out-spoken, pretty and insecure.

I have never fit into this mould, because my mother told me to speak my opinions, say no if I didn’t want it, say yes if I did want something, and just generally to be happy with the girl/young woman I am. To this I am thankfull, and I believe that it has made a lot of stuff easier for me. Guys learn quickly not to mess with me, I feel free (most of the time), and I wish that all girls could have this knowledge. A mould isn’t a good thing, because we’re all different, and we should let ourselves be different. And society should learn to accept these differences.

And most importantly: We have to respect ourselves and each other, in order for guys to respect us. Don’t call your girlfriends whores, or your “less-masculine” friends gay. Don’t speak down to a girl because she chooses to have sex, the same way you shouldn’t speak down to girls who chooses NOT to have sex. These are individual choices to be made my the individual person.

I think that was it from the soapbox for this time…


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