As none of you may know, this past couple of weeks I have been dieting. This weekend, I failed at said diet. I had been doing really good, honestly, what with eating about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising for at least an hour. But then, yesterday, I pretty much binged. Well, it wasn’t a horrible binge, but I ate about 500 calories of stuff I didn’t need and usually try to avoid (i.e. heavenly sour dough bread, chip-idy doo da’s, straight up alcohol, etc.). To top it all off, I didn’t even exercise. Booyah! Of course, I feel guilty today- but not guilty enough to not eat a piece of homemade apple coffee cake.
Here is my resolution: tomorrow, I jump right back on the ol’ diet bandwagon. Smoothie for breakfast, cup of veggie chili for lunch, and something lean for supper. Le sigh…
Onto more entertaining news, a big, fluffy stray black cat wandered over to my house today! Judging by her well-maintained coat of fur and friendliness to us human folk, she was definitely a house cat. She kept meowing at me and would follow me around the yard. I wanted to steal her! But that would be a bad idea as I am already drowning in a house of fur, thanks to my seven feline babies. My mother and I figured she belonged to the house across the street, but nobody was home when we went over to return her. Not knowing what else to do, we set up a little outdoor cat house for her just in case her people never came home. I wonder if she is still there….
And in even more entertaining news, I’m pretty sure my mother has been possessed by the ghost of Chris Farley’s character in ‘Tommy Boy.’ She is literally sleeping on a nearby couch, half-eaten piece of cake at her side, with her feet twitching about as if she is dream-running, and mumbling some strange nonsense. Dear God.
I bid you adieu!
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