Attention one and all! The first official threat of snow has reached the city of Spokane (my town)! WOO HOO!
Alright alright, so writing a blog entirely about snow may not be too exciting for the loyal Norwegian fan and author base of BRBcoffee, but it is for me! You see, last winter we got about one week of snow….and that was it (and you tell me global warming isn’t a real thing). I live in one of the northernmost states of America, save Alaska, and so I felt rather gypped when I couldn’t even scrounge together a single snowball. 🙁 However, starting this week, I could start seeing the flakes fly at almost any time.
When the snow starts, that means it’s almost time for Christmas and you know what that means: Christmas music! Oh yeah, baby, I am one of those freaky Americans that loves Christmas music with all her little heart. Not gonna lie, I’m listening to some right now as a prelude to the up and coming holiday season. It’s very strange, I usually try to avoid any and all things related to Christianity, but when it comes to Christmas music, I absolutely love the religious stuff. I know not why, it’s not like I believe in the message, they just tend to be very beautiful- from a purely listener’s point of view.
Now, I suggest you all watch what happens to be one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies, White Christmas: