Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
So google is supposed to pick ads based on all the stuff they know about me from watching everything I do online, which makes it kind of weird when I get these on YouTube:
I mean, come on! Say what you want about Obama, but telling YouTube commenters (also known as the worst breed of human to have ever existed) to vote for blaming him for the oil spill is insane! By what logic does that even make sense? What do they think he did, dive into the gulf and break the well himself? The “Obamacare, stop him!” ads were pretty annoying, but at least he was doing health care reform then, this just feels like pure desperation to me.
Naturally, the song of the blog is: The Impression That I Get
I’m your host, Baffled Bjørn, and you are now annoyed, for some reason or another.
Allow me to start with what is on everybodys mind. The Freedom flotilla, an international convoy of ships bearing several hundred peace activists, medicine, food, paper, building materials etc. heading towards Gaza, was boarded by Israeli navy elites. At least 9 activists were killed, they claim to have been attacked first. A few things strike me as interesting about this.
First of all, if you are the navy elite forces of one of the worlds largest military forces, you ought to be able to disarm someone with a bat without shooting them. Secondly, if you are at all familiar with war and stuff (even I know this), you don’t drop one lone soldier in the middle of the mob of people. Thats fucking retarded! Also, Israel, if you expect people to believe your side of the story, DROP THE FUCKING MEDIA BLANKET. Only sending out video tapes filmed and edited by you “proving your innocence” only broadens suspicions. But obviously if they allowed everyone to investigate and report freely, the suspicions would be confirmed quite rapidly. Part one of the blog entry is completed by this: Boycott the hell out of Israel. Free Palestine!
Android I
So i have a Nokia N900 phone. And I love it. It is awesome, and sexy and easy to use, and i really have no complaints about it. It is everything i want in a phone and moar. Unfortunately, I am a phone junkie. The thing I hate the most about phones, is that in order to afford them I have to sign an agreement to pay a smaller sum every month for a year.. 🙁
Currently I am paying for both an iphone and my dearest N900, and still i urge for another phone, more specifically an Android phone. I was supposed to buy an Android phone when i got the N900, but ended up with my N900 due to physical keyboard. Damn.
Suppose I’ll have to wait until the internet perfects an android clone for my phone. And please don’t comment on the lovely irony of most phones having Intel Atom processors. I am aware.
So, in this entry I’m going to let out some frustration, and inform you about a touchy (for me that is, and hopefully you too) and quite provocative subject, without going too much in depth. Just a minute ago, I found this article in the Norwegian newspaper, and what I saw provoked me to let out some steam on this matter. Whereof this entry…
In short the article says that the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management wants to apply for a felling permit on a bear, which (they think) killed and ate less than 1 -ONE- percent of all the sheep, wandering alone and without supervision in the wilderness, in Oppdal municipal. FUCK this shit I say. The falling permit should be targeted to the idiots applying for it. Anyhow, I strongly disagree with killing natures predators, when the problem, in fact, is us. How the hell would a bear, or a wolf for that matter know where the fuck we don’t want it to be? Well, some believe we only need to draw a line and put up signs that says “No bears behind this point!” to keep them away from our sheep, which just as likely will be an inch behind that sign. I’m sure that bear will think; “fuck, I can’t pass!! Well, I’ll just leave hungry then…”
Why do we even bother preserving animals anymore, especially when it’s so freaking easy to get a felling permit, and just shoot them the day after? Ideally we preserve animals to build a diversity of species both nationally and internationally and to give animals the right to live healthy and mate with someone who aren’t their biological sibling or cousin. Not to mention, preventing them from extinction. Screw that… Let’s keep the number of individuals in each species at a minimum, that way chances are smaller they’ll come near us, or eat 1% of the sheep we put unattended in the wilderness, yay I say. How can we blame a bear, or a wolf, or an eagle (EAGLE, FUCK YEAH) for following instincts? If I were to leave my laptop in the middle of a street for a month, and expect it to be at that exact place when I get back, would I be allowed to lynch the bastard that took it, or moved it? (Example from the comment field, by Felleskjøpet)
Animals don’t fucking understand human language, let them live as wild animals, and make the diversity of species increase over time. We did it with non-predator animals, why is this so fucking impossible? Some find it amusing and fun to hunt down and shoot our predators. They hunt for days, just to get the thrill of benching an animal, which is blamed for our mistakes and misbehavior.
Whether you believe it or not, I am trying to be objective. Therefore I will be fair and add this, in favor for felling bears and/or other predators:
Bears don’t only eat sheep; they also eat foxes, salmon and other wildlife animals, which again eat a lot of other individuals. Right there is a chain of the ecosystem, a small one at least. If there were too much bear it would cause the number of individuals beneath it do decrease, and cause the individuals the bears prey eat to increase. This will put our ecosystem in imbalance, but if I have a say, I would say that is the way of nature. Nature survives, but we keep fucking it up all the time.
As you were, soldier!
Many people in this country (users or non-users) are looking to legalize marijuana.
I’ve taken some time and consideration on the issue, and I have come to a decision. Unfortunately, being a great realist (or perhaps pessimist would be more fitting), I do not understand why people would want to legalize marijuana. It doesn’t make sense.
They say that legalization of marijuana would fix the economy. There would be taxes on marijuana and the government would make wonderful money off of it. They say that legalizing pot would keep many, many people out of jail. No longer would we waste government spending on criminals that did not do anything very wrong.
Unfortunately, if they aren’t in it for drug use, they’re in it for tax evasion. Six one, half a dozen another. Nothing changes. Legalizing marijuana wont fix anything–it wont save the world. It is a fact that most drug users in jail are in it because of violence. Most non-violent drug users get treatment, not jail-time. Only 5% of criminals in jail are in it because of simple possession.
We are fed the propaganda that drugs are terrible, that they are monstrous, that doing them one time will kill us. That isn’t the case. However, they aren’t particularly good either. I don’t mind drug users (different strokes for different folks), but legalizing it will not FIX ANYTHING. Because we get to high school or college, and we discover that we in fact will not die from smoking pot or drinking alcohol, that doesn’t mean that we should go overboard. Because we learn that what teachers have told us since first grade isn’t accurate doesn’t mean that we should go after the heroin.
That’s my tangent for the day. In laments terms… don’t bitch to me about wanting to legalize pot.
Have a wonderful day!
Elizabeth <3
P.S. Don’t judge me. I’m willing to compromise, convince me if you can!
Humans are interesting beings; We feel very strongly about all our opinions, but most of them are just lines we picked up from our parents or teachers, and we have neither interest nor knowledge in the subject. So just to be clear, this is the form I’ll be using in this post:
<Seemingly contradictory statement>
Alright, we ready? Here we go!
“I’m not a racist!”
“I’m not ready for a black president.”
“Marijuana is a dangerous gateway drug, and should be illegal!”
“Come on guys, let’s go get shitfaced!”
“Apple is evil.”
“Microsoft is awesome!”
“Microsoft is evil.”
“Apple is awesome!”
“Dear Jesus, can we get some of the world peace, please?”
“Fuckin towelheads, think they can come here and do as they please, thinkin they own the damn place!?”
“I’m for democracy, and I they should have it too!”
“What, those people won? They’re terrorists! They’re an illegitimate fascist militant government!”
“We need to balance the budget!”
“What!? Gas is up 3 cents!?”
“Small government! Taxcuts taxcuts taxcuts!”
“Government better stay the hell away from my medicare!”
“I accept Jesus as my savior, I’m a born again Christian, and I read the bible every day!”
“Their religion preaches violence!”
And finally:
“Hey, Jesus, how about you give us some of that world peace, eh?”
“Socialism is nice on paper, but it’d never work out in real life!”
Sincerely yours