Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

It feels like it hath been an eternity since I last blogged!

I'm gonna be an eagle!

I am no longer a teenager!  Yayyyy! Twenty is a strange age, me thinks. You’re no longer considered a ‘kid,’ but you’re also not considered an ‘adult.’ (Who wants to be one of those anyway?)  2010 has been good to me so far, let’s hope it continues to do so as I make a rather grand transition from my 2-year Community College to the much larger, 4-year University.

Oh man- I haven’t even applied yet, but I doubt that will be a problem seeing as it is a public school. I do believe I have tentively decided on Psychology as a major. I am also considering going into the counseling side of Psychology, as opposed to the scientific side. And when I say ‘counselor,’ I do not mean the kind that schedules your classes. I actually want to help people with psychological issues!

What else has been going on… Well, I’ve been traveling a bit. Spent a week with my grandma in tiny town of Dayton, WA, came home for a day, and then headed off on a 5-hour car ride to see my sister for the weekend. We had a grand ol’ time, what with an amazingly fatty and delicious dinner (steak, prawns, green beans, bread, crab/artichoke dip, yeahhh I’m going to Hell for gluttony), a bit much wine, way too much 1960’s music/dancing, and I even capped it all off with getting violently ill and having to puke into a large ziploc bag whilst riding home. All in all, ’twas a good weekend. I now have Fall Quarter off and have no idea what I’m going to do with my time. Get a job? Maybe. Apply for scholarships? Yes. Do homework and study for tests?


OH! I also cannot publish this blog without mentioning a very important matter which took place yesterday:

There, now you can properly hate me.

Peace out.

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Alright, so I’m gonna make another entry now. One that isn’t all depressed and mopey. Sorry about that.

So i just returned from Stavanger. I went down there to look for apartments, but only one apartment actually agreed to meet with me. Lucky as I was, its a pretty big place, 60 square metres to be exact, and its quite cheap. I signed the rent contract, and was off. I got to visit Outland in Stavanger, a nerdstore like nothing else, and I think that in my 5 minute visit, in which I bought a book (A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin) and a Magic the Gathering booster, I made a nerdy friend. I don’t have enough of those.

I love Norway

So, the morning of my return journey, I overslept. Not by long, my train was supposed to leave at 06.03, I awoke at 06.11. Which sucked balls. So I had to cash out big moneys for a plain ticket to Oslo, but no worries, I caught up with my train there. I also got to chill at my partys office and have lunch with those people, which was fun.

Then I took an 18 hour train journey, in which i exsperienced lovely views, people snoring, hot women talking to me, and other things. I got home about an hour ago, and I just got an SMS from my boss saying I don’t need to come in to work today. Awesome!

Alright, I just have to share this. When was on the plane, i fell asleep almost instantly (still at the ground). I slept through most of the trip, but awoke by the captain saying its time to land and shit. I woke up, my eyes pretty much looking straight ouf of the window. There was no clouds, so i looked straight down on the ground. I was beyond scared and confused. Then, after looking around scared for a second, i felt very silly, because the woman sitting next to me was quite attractive and gave me a look like “wtf dude”.


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Greetings one and all!

The time has come for my blog about Olympia. The town of Olympia is the smallish and unique capital of Washington state. It’s an interesting mix of middle-aged conservative politicians and radical hippie youth, and for this reason I love it. I am fortunate enough to have a sister who lives over there, which therefore allows me to make semi-regular trips to the “west side.”

On my last particular trip, nothing too exciting happened, but it was fun nonetheless. I was able to celebrate my sister and her husband’s 3rd year wedding anniversary (we ate, drank, and got perhaps a little too merry), saw the latest A-Team movie (not very enjoyable), and ventured into Seattle for what turned into an awesome night chalk full of Michael Jackson, classic tourist activities, and disgruntled park employees. All in all, it was a success!

Oly isn’t your typical near-the-sea town, it’s quirkier than Seattle, more welcoming than Tacoma, and simply different from any other place I’ve visited. As I said before, it’s inhabited by a unique blend of drastically different types of people- politicians, hippies, musicians, druggies, a few republicans, and just about any other type of person you can think of. As a whole, the town is more health-conscious than most and seems to promote inner and outer peace as well as happiness. I have yet to meet a single high-strung person inhabiting the place.

While I do love being over there, I cannot deny that my true home is and probably always will be Spokane (the city on the other side of the state). I know not why I feel more at home here; it’s drastically more conservative, the climate is almost hellish, and yet it’s my home. Perhaps someday I will feel the pull to move away, but it is not this day. I appreciate my hometown for its pros, its cons, and everything in between. What can I say? I feel content where I live. I count myself as one of the lucky ones.

And on that note, I bid you, my reader, a fond farewell!

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Allow me to start with what is on everybodys mind. The Freedom flotilla, an international convoy of ships bearing several hundred peace activists, medicine, food, paper, building materials etc. heading towards Gaza, was boarded by Israeli navy elites. At least 9 activists were killed, they claim to have been attacked first. A few things strike me as interesting about this.

First of all, if you are the navy elite forces of one of the worlds largest military forces, you ought to be able to disarm someone with a bat without shooting them. Secondly, if you are at all familiar with war and stuff (even I know this), you don’t drop one lone soldier in the middle of the mob of people. Thats fucking retarded! Also, Israel, if you expect people to believe your side of the story, DROP THE FUCKING MEDIA BLANKET. Only sending out video tapes filmed and edited by you “proving your innocence” only broadens suspicions. But obviously if they allowed everyone to investigate and report freely, the suspicions would be confirmed quite rapidly. Part one of the blog entry is completed by this: Boycott the hell out of Israel. Free Palestine!

Android I

So i have a Nokia N900 phone. And I love it. It is awesome, and sexy and easy to use, and i really have no complaints about it. It is everything i want in a phone and moar. Unfortunately, I am a phone junkie. The thing I hate the most about phones, is that in order to afford them I have to sign an agreement to pay a smaller sum every month for a year.. 🙁

Currently I am paying for both an iphone and my dearest N900, and still i urge for another phone, more specifically an Android phone. I was supposed to buy an Android phone when i got the N900, but ended up with my N900 due to physical keyboard. Damn.

Suppose I’ll have to wait until the internet perfects an android clone for my phone. And please don’t comment on the lovely irony of most phones having Intel Atom processors. I am aware.



Android II

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Just back from the East Coast, devastatingly behind in my classes,  and suffering from sleep deprivation/jet lag, I present to you: The West Virginny Blog!

While I should be doing things of import (i.e. writing research papers, studying, etc.), I instead find myself coming home to this blog site to rabble on about non-important matters and things which are better left unsaid. On the other hand, my brain is about as useful as a bowl of jelly, so I guess you could say I’ve come to the right place.

Where to begin…

If anyone is unaware of the reason I went to WV, it was for my best friend, Amanda’s, wedding. The wedding was swell as was the reception. A few highlights: my awkward conversations with strangers, Amanda accidentally being thrown to the floor during the Father-Daughter dance,  and, of course, our beloved Professor of World Religions- Dr. Stout- spilling a large glass of red fruit punch on the white table cloth. All in all, I’d say it was a success.

I felt a little out of place of course, being the non-Christian, liberal Yankee who wears leggings and doesn’t make jokes at the expense of minority groups. Other than that, I got along with the peeps pretty well; I am halfway insane, after all (I mean no offense to West Virginians, by the by). The natural setting was beautiful; I was amazed at how hilly and lush it was.

While it was a lovely place to visit, one which I will no doubt visit again, I know I could never live there. Things are just too…different. The people are incredibly hospitable and friendly, but the quality of life is simply not up to par. By no means am I an expert on the West Virginia economy, but from what I saw and experienced, I know it can’t be too good. This is all from my own perspective though, so maybe it’s really not all that bad…

I’m very thankful that I was able to somehow make it there. It’s always beneficial to experience a different part of the country or world, and West Virginia was certainly an experience.

Lots of laughter, not enough sleep, and several biscuits later, I’m still alive.

Until next time!

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