It feels like it hath been an eternity since I last blogged!

I'm gonna be an eagle!

I am no longer a teenager!  Yayyyy! Twenty is a strange age, me thinks. You’re no longer considered a ‘kid,’ but you’re also not considered an ‘adult.’ (Who wants to be one of those anyway?)  2010 has been good to me so far, let’s hope it continues to do so as I make a rather grand transition from my 2-year Community College to the much larger, 4-year University.

Oh man- I haven’t even applied yet, but I doubt that will be a problem seeing as it is a public school. I do believe I have tentively decided on Psychology as a major. I am also considering going into the counseling side of Psychology, as opposed to the scientific side. And when I say ‘counselor,’ I do not mean the kind that schedules your classes. I actually want to help people with psychological issues!

What else has been going on… Well, I’ve been traveling a bit. Spent a week with my grandma in tiny town of Dayton, WA, came home for a day, and then headed off on a 5-hour car ride to see my sister for the weekend. We had a grand ol’ time, what with an amazingly fatty and delicious dinner (steak, prawns, green beans, bread, crab/artichoke dip, yeahhh I’m going to Hell for gluttony), a bit much wine, way too much 1960’s music/dancing, and I even capped it all off with getting violently ill and having to puke into a large ziploc bag whilst riding home. All in all, ’twas a good weekend. I now have Fall Quarter off and have no idea what I’m going to do with my time. Get a job? Maybe. Apply for scholarships? Yes. Do homework and study for tests?


OH! I also cannot publish this blog without mentioning a very important matter which took place yesterday:

There, now you can properly hate me.

Peace out.

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