Archive for the ‘Life’ Category
As I sit here, clumsily half-drinking, half-spilling my wine, I am suddenly struck with the notion to write a blog about the indescribable topic of love.
But first! The typical, yet wonderful love song playlist:
“Not About Love” -Fiona Apple
“House of Cards” -Radiohead
“It Must Be Love” -Madness
“Love” -Paul Simon
“Kathy’s Song” -Simon & Garfunkel
“Resistance” -Muse
“Love Of My Life” -Queen
“Let’s Stay Together” -Al Green
“Nothing Compares 2 U” -Sinead O’Connor (or Prince if you prefer)
“Overs” -Simon & Garfunkel
“It Ain’t Me Babe” -Bob Dylan
Shall we start with an over-simplified analysis? Of course!
Amazingly, I couldn’t find a schematic of love on Google Images, hence I had to go into Microsoft Word and conjure up some semblance of one with poor graphics and inappropriate sarcasm (don’t take offense to this my lovebird readers):
Now here’s a shocker (maybe) for you: I’ve never been in love! That’s right- I’ve never had a real boyfriend or anyone who seemed even remotely interested in me (save that man downtown with the wheelchair…). It’s a bit pathetic, really, and this might just prove to be a bad decision, confessing all of this to you and whatnot, but I don’t really care- at least this blog will be one of genuineness.
So, you might be wondering why the devil little ol’ me wanted to write a blog about a topic I have no personal experience in? Maybe it is my lack of experience which intrigues me so. Love is a universal subject which all beings are involved in, some way or another. We all want it, we are all burned by it at some point, and yet we always always always come back for more. Can you think of anything else that comes even remotely close to having that kind of absurdity? I cannot.
Let’s finish up this menagerie of rambling with a poll!
[poll id=”11″]
There are something I love in this world, and Tuesday is one of them! Why? Why not!
Tuesday isn’t the first day of the week, it isn’t a half-way mark, it’s seemingly irrelevant. Monday is the first day of the week and I have my night class on Monday. Wednesday is church at night, Key Club, and Piano, Thursday is Model UN and house errands and usually a crap ton of homework, Friday is party day, Saturday is rest day along with doing whatever stuff in the house I have to do, Sunday is church day and stop procrastinating day. That leaves Tuesday!
What happens on Tuesdays? Occasionally I have a 4-H meeting or a Youth Alive whatever, but those never last long. On Tuesdays I never have much homework, never much responsibility, never much of anything to do. Tuesdays are the best days! For one afternoon a week I am guaranteed a break from the regular, hectic routine to shake things up a little. Maybe I’ll go and package food for the homeless like I did tonight, maybe I’ll learn my Chemistry absolutely, maybe I’ll write that English essay I’ve been putting off, maybe I’ll run a mile, maybe I’ll go driving for the hell of it.
There’s just some spontaneity coming from Tuesdays. Tuesday! The day that I don’t know what I’m doing! Tuesday! The interesting day! In the world of entropy, Tuesdays would have the highest amount of chaos in the world.
I love Tuesdays. I love that feeling of change, that feeling of variety in my lifestyle. I like thinking that I can go and get ice cream if I want on Tuesdays or I can go to a Key Club board meeting. I can run a Youth Alive meeting or help kids with 4-H. I can practice for my National Honors Society induction or I can go home and take a nap. Tuesdays don’t have plans, they’re perfect in every way.
In other news, I fell yesterday and I have three larger than a cup sized wounds, one on my knee (I ripped my pants!), one on my hip (it hurts when I wear pants!), and one on my elbow. They hurt and I hate myself. 🙁 In other other news, I am so happy! I love everything about life and especially you!
Love you, (and especially these Tuesdays!)
Elizabeth <3
I just came home from an 18 hour train ride from Oslo to Bodø. In Oslo i attended Red Youths biennial country meeting, its highest political and organizational authority. I will not discuss what happened there, but rather something else entirely.
It amazed me how something as simple as a small crush can be so profound in its effect. They say that love is giving someone the opportunity to hurt you and hoping they don’t, and that you never trust anyone as easily as you did the first time. I like this definition because it means that at the end of it all, when you are standing in the ashes of what used to make you smile and your heart beat 10 times faster, the pain you feel means that no matter how fleeting or distant it was, it was real but for a moment.
I have recently experienced a heartbreak. For a while, following my earlier trail of thought, I did not feel that much at the end. So I figured maybe it had not really mattered to me after all. But what thoughts and feelings your mind is able to suppress, comes to light when you are weary and alone with your own thoughts. And suddenly it mattered more than anything, and you feel all alone in a world that is just a little bit too harsh.
I purchased a replica death note and wrote your name in it. I do not know if I hoped it would work, but at the very least it meant the death of whatever good feelings I had left for you.
Following is an exert of a conversation me and fellow brbcoffeer Elaine had:
(10:44:06 PM) Vegard: alright i can’t think of an awesome enough metaphor, so im gonna serve you with “drumroll” “trumpets” analysis of the norwegian society in 5 minutes!
(10:44:25 PM) Elaine: do it
(10:44:25 PM)Vegard: 1800s! norway is a poor farmer country. people live on potatoes and fish, family is important and there are manners!
(10:44:34 PM) Elaine: yay
(10:44:46 PM) Vegard: 1900s! norway becomes industrialized through a series of wars and a social democratic working movement
(10:44:59 PM) Vegard: 1960s! norway finds OIL, and becomes one of the richest countries in the world
(10:45:20 PM) Vegard: norway developes universial health care, governmental support and all such things so that noone ever has to feel alone and scarted
(10:45:23 PM) Vegard: scared*
(10:45:27 PM) Elaine: yay! oil!
(10:45:38 PM) Elaine: what a concept
(10:45:47 PM) Vegard: 1990! children are born growing up with the sence that everything will fall into their laps, and they never have to work hard for anything
(10:46:00 PM) Elaine: My birth year!
(10:46:15 PM) Vegard: 2010: the academical world is governed by people from all over th world working hard to achieve something, get a good career!
(10:46:41 PM) Vegard: while norwegians in academia abroad has this exact attitude: “i can always get a bachelor in something back home and work in some government corporation”
(10:47:28 PM) Elaine: hah
(10:47:28 PM) Vegard: norwegians socially end up afraid of black people, afraid of eachother, drinking too much alcohol, never greeting eachother, never standing up for old people on the bus, and if you dare smile at someone you don’t know you get labled crazy
(10:47:34 PM) Elaine: bahaha
(10:47:40 PM) Vegard: i present to you: norway. the most arrogant country in the world
(10:47:47 PM) Vegard: now with great fjords
(10:47:50 PM) Vegard: *conclusion*
(10:47:54 PM) Elaine: Wow
(10:48:04 PM) Elaine: *applause*
(10:48:08 PM) Vegard: *bow*
Social democracy: the wet blanket over society.
Until next time friends,
So, I am currently reading a book called “the Shock Doctrine: rise of disaster capitalism” by Naomi Klein. I have not read all of it, I am currently lost somewhere in the third chapter. But it is sufficient that i feel the need to point at Milton Friedman, the guru of right-wing contra-revolution and laugh.
He is basically the guy who started the ideological movement of rightwing fanatics from University in Chicago, a group of dumbfucks that figure if you cause enough trauma to a country, you will subsequently have the opportunity to introduce a sort of *shock-capitalism* to said country because whatever opposition will be distracted by the trauma of war, invasion, ethnic cleansing, genocide, you name it. So then you have the window to introduce the ultimate free market, with deregulated toll barriers, tax cuts, privatization and the works.
So, this theory was first and foremost a theory, one of those “on-paper-only” “food-for-discussion” things. Until the coup in Chile 1973. Salvador Allende had been ruling the country for some time, democratically chosen and socialistic. Nationalisation, developmentarism, you name it. It was great. He got killed by Augusto Pinochet and his followers. The contra-revolution had started.
And the country which had been at a steady 3% unemployment got, thanks to Freidmans policy, as high as 30%. People got poor and had to spend (calculated) 74% of their paychecks on bread alone, something which before this capitalistic contra-revolution was less than 14% of their income due to price regulations. Over the course of 10 years, Freidman and his friends argued for more shock, more capitalism, less state interferance, saying it would fix everything. It didn’t. For everytime that puppet Pinochet deregulated and privatized, the people got worse off. Chile went from a stable planned economy in which its people flourished, to the laughing stock of the economical world. 307% Inflation, bitches!
Not until Pinochet got his mind twisted somewhat in the right direction and started nationalizing shit, Chiles economy got a little better.
So the point of this history lesson? It is to collectively (the best way) laugh at how the contra-revolution failed to do what it was supposed to, through free markets and privatization make the economy stable and the country rich, and instead it ruined the country completely.
No wait, that’s not funny, it’s infuriating and pathetic. Suppose we’re gonna have to keep fighting, then.