Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

With this as my first entry to brbcoffee, I’m going to tell you about something rare, even for my hometown Bodø: Eagles. But not just that there are eagles though, most local people have seen an eagle, because everyone with an eye open can spot them from far away, gliding gracefully somewhere on the bright blue sky. To be even more specific, Bodø is widely known for their sea eagles, the most beautiful, majestic bird you can ever imagine roaming the horizon.

Anyhow, I’ve been fishing with my dad and uncle these past few days, not paying much attention to these birds flying in the horizon, but today was not like the other days. Today this 1.5 meter wide, big bird flew straight down towards our boat. I experienced something I am sure only one in a million people get to experience, 3 meters away from our boat this majestic se eagle flies, probably hungry as hell, hence its being as close as this.

Everyone knows seagulls, these awfully noisy white and grey monsters, following boats and or nesting on your rooftops. They do anything, anything I say, to get their hands on food. Whatever kind of shitty eatable thing you throw to them, they will eat it. So obviously they where feasting in our fish guts, but the second the eagle appeared they became very aware of the danger in being in its attack zone. That pack of seagulls were therefore scattered in every direction as the eagle arrived.

Big and scary as it was, the eagle frightened the seagulls so much they did not dare to pick the guts out of the water before the eagle had taken its part. The second a seagull would try to outsmart it, the eagle would bash into it and force it away. You might say eagles are somewhat bigger than a seagull, this giving the big clawed bird the absolute advantage. This was the most amazing sight ever. I cannot put words on how cool, admirable, majestic and beautiful it was. Too bad I forgot both my cell AND my SLR…  We did not get much fish though!

If I ever where to reincarnate or be able to change myself into an animal, I would definitely be a sea eagle. Being the king of the sky, hovering over the ocean, and flying into the sunset sounds like a fantastic dream I would do almost anything to be in.

As you were, soldier!

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It cannot be denied that Jamaica is the most naturally beautiful place I’ve ever seen with my own two eyes (as opposed to someone else’s own two eyes). The colors are so vivid; bright blue water, intensely green tropical forest, pink, purple, bright yellow flowers- it’s absolutely picturesque.

Yet, when I looked a bit closer, I saw shacks tucked neatly between the palm trees- shacks with holes for windows cut in the shambles of material representing walls. I thought to myself, “Huh, I wonder what those are? Must be old ruins from long ago…nobody could possibly live in those.” However, people do live in those. Many many people live in those four walls, more or less, of poverty totally unrelatable to someone like myself, a member of industrialized Western Civilization.

And so comes the biggest beef I have with Jamaica…

I never experienced the real Jamaica. Here comes little Ms. American, easily suckered into believing the mental attitude of Jamaica is to relax and not to “worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright.” No, every little thing is not alright. And here I am, taking a luxurious vacation to this romantic, exotic island which in reality is a poor nation largely divided by old racial injustices and social class. In retrospect I feel borderline disgusted with myself.

Needless to say, I was not terribly impressed with Jamaica. The land is beautiful, the people are beautiful, but my experience did not feel genuine. Of course, the explosive diarrhea and vomiting as a result of the terrible resort food/water did nothing for my good opinion. I do not want to sound ungrateful or change anyone’s views on this country, the point of this blog is simply to document my opinions after traveling to this island. If I ever go back, I do not want to be catered to as the middle-class foreign folk looking for a relaxing, albeit hypocritical getaway. I want to get to know the real Jamaica.

Until next time, adieu adieu to you and you and you!

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Alright, hi everyone.

A while ago i bought me a netbook. To be exact, i bought an Acer Aspire One, 532. Lets review my laptop story for a moment: It started with a laptop i acquired when i was about 15, which had the computing power of a glass of water. When i started high school i got another one, which crashed within the year. So i got another one, which crashed, so i got another one. Which crashed. I then got a mac, which for all incests and coinpurses did what it was supposed to. But shit was too expensive and started being a twat. So i sold it, and now i have a netbook!

When i got my netbook, it was preinstalled with windows 7 extremely-basic-lol. I could not even change my goddamn desktop background, because that was a feature too advanced for me! (thats right). Alright, so back when i last bought a laptop with windows on it, it at least contained a windows install disc of the home basic. This one didn’t. Fine, i wasn’t planning on keeping windows, shittymcshitshit that it is.

I downloaded  Ubuntu Netbook Remix, a brilliant netbook-optimized ubuntu version. And i am loving it. It is awesome, pretty, useful, and makes my loins jingle with chocolatey goodness!

So thanks Internet, you rock! That is all.

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Hello. My name is Elaine and I’m a Unicornaholic.

That’s right, I love Unicorns. Some of you reading this already know of my special relationship with Unicorns, but most of you probably don’t. Seeing as this blog is still in its preliminary phase, I think it a good idea to introduce to you my love of these horned beasts.

But first, let us start with a poll…
[poll id=”6″]

Now why, you are asking, do I like Unicorns so much? The answer is: I don’t know. In general, I feel a special connection to all mythical creatures such as Yeti, Chupacabra, Wendigo, etc. What makes the Unicorn special? Perhaps it is the spiral horn, the flowing mane, or perhaps I ate too many paint chips as a child. Whatever the reason, I think they are amazing.

The story goes that once upon a time, Unicorns roamed the Earth freely. Their horns could be used to dispel any evil, be it an illness or a disease in the water. Once humans came around and realized the potential of their magical horns, they hunted them to extinction. Why, oh why, would they do such a thing?! Because they hated all things good and magical in this world…

I found this wondrous tattoo on google images:

For whoever has or is going to have this…I will marry you!

And now, let’s finish up with another poll…

[poll id=”7″]

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I suppose i have to start blogging again, since i used the horridly overcomplicated bullshit system that is Tumblr. Since brbcoffee has had somewhat of a makeover since last time, with the addition of other writers, i will dedicate myself to this venue in its entirety. Congratulations.

On to business, yes? I am gonig to make this short. I just got a note in the mail saying i have been called in to serve in the norwegian army. Here in norway men are obliged to serve if seemed physically and mentally fit by the army (because fuck equality, men HAVE to, women don’t). Anyways, i had my session-test-thing like 3 years ago, they told me my vision was too poor so i wouldn’t get called in. Since then my vision has degraded even more, so now i get called in. Yay. I don’t really care, i am not going. I am using my master as an excuse, as you can here in norway, to get it delayed. If they in 4.5 years still want me in i am using my practical-pedagogical studies to delay it further.

If they still insist on calling me in, after i am most likely blind without my contacts on, i will refuse and take civile duty. Because i refuse to be part of the hypocritical bullshit army that is the Norwegian one. Its generals going to Thailand to fuck street hookers for my tax money, its rules clearly making a distinction between men and women, not to speak of the blatant fucking indoctrination of its privates so that everyone that comes out loves the war in Afghanistan. I will do no such thing.

Fuck the government, fuck the army, and fuck capitalism. Obviously. Until next time,


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