Welcome, one and all, to Burnie’s new concept, the bus blog! I’ll write short entries about whatever is on my mind while I translate myself from home to campus! And what’s on my mind today, you inquire? Why, Burnie’s Bus Blog, of course!
Burnie’s Bus Blog will be notoriously void of images, sadly, a consequence of always being written on my delicious phone, the HTC Hero. I just flashed a new ROM on it, actually, so I.guess I’ll.talk.about that.
“But Burnie, what does that even mean?” You cry out, as the mixed excitement at all these new concepts hits your frontal lobe. Flashing a ROM onto a phone is a kind of dark magic, similar to the act of installing a new operating system on your computer, except the process is much more hacky (read: user-unfriendly).
Bloody hell it’s cold outside! The wait between buses is the worst part of my day.
Where was I? Oh, right. Anyway, for the past months I’ve been using team Villain’s ROM Froyd, which was the best 2.2 ROM for a long time, but the main develiper, Ninpo, ceased development, and in this scene you can’t expect to be on top for long. I don’t know for sure who has the best one now, but the one I flashed last night was Floyo, with the flykernel. It is also 2.2, and is based on Cyanogen’s brilliant mod, just like Froyd was. Cyanogen is still going strong, probably because it isn’t confined to the Hero.
Anyway, Cyanogen and Floyo has incorporated some of the stuff you see in the new HTC Sense interface, which I still feel is the finest Android shell out there, although I left it long ago due to a lack of updates. I’m beginning to realise that this topic might not be suited for a bus blog, it is much too large.
There are rumors of an official 2.2 ROM with sense for the legend next week, which will surely be ported to my phone! That will be nice.
I’ve arrived!
See you 🙂
Hello, my dearies.
I thought I would share with you the tale of the low attention span man.
In his childhood, he could never stick with an activity, because he got tired of football. So he started with taekwondo. He got tired of that, so he started wrestling. He got tired of that, so he started gaming. He switched games and/or characters constantly.
Then he got into politics. He attended lots of stuff, and eventually got himself some positions in boards. He also started a bachelor in political science. But he lost focus after one year, and moved away, leaving his political terms half-finished, for someone else to take over.
In his new city, he started an integrated master-program of English, music and pedagogics, which would leave him as a respectable teacher-man. He also got himself lots of new political positions here.
Right now, our hero is considering moving to Oslo. He has a grand scheme in which he will take lots of awesome subjects, like a bachelors degree in middle eastern studies with Arabic and an obligatory term in an Arabic speaking country, and come out the other end as an awesome teacher with a funny hat.
Oh, low attention span man. Will you ever finish an education?
As none of you may know, this past couple of weeks I have been dieting. This weekend, I failed at said diet. I had been doing really good, honestly, what with eating about 1000-1200 calories a day and exercising for at least an hour. But then, yesterday, I pretty much binged. Well, it wasn’t a horrible binge, but I ate about 500 calories of stuff I didn’t need and usually try to avoid (i.e. heavenly sour dough bread, chip-idy doo da’s, straight up alcohol, etc.). To top it all off, I didn’t even exercise. Booyah! Of course, I feel guilty today- but not guilty enough to not eat a piece of homemade apple coffee cake. 😀
Here is my resolution: tomorrow, I jump right back on the ol’ diet bandwagon. Smoothie for breakfast, cup of veggie chili for lunch, and something lean for supper. Le sigh…
Onto more entertaining news, a big, fluffy stray black cat wandered over to my house today! Judging by her well-maintained coat of fur and friendliness to us human folk, she was definitely a house cat. She kept meowing at me and would follow me around the yard. I wanted to steal her! But that would be a bad idea as I am already drowning in a house of fur, thanks to my seven feline babies. My mother and I figured she belonged to the house across the street, but nobody was home when we went over to return her. Not knowing what else to do, we set up a little outdoor cat house for her just in case her people never came home. I wonder if she is still there….
And in even more entertaining news, I’m pretty sure my mother has been possessed by the ghost of Chris Farley’s character in ‘Tommy Boy.’ She is literally sleeping on a nearby couch, half-eaten piece of cake at her side, with her feet twitching about as if she is dream-running, and mumbling some strange nonsense. Dear God.
I bid you adieu!
[poll id=”22″]
Last night I was at a friend’s house after work, for way too many hours, and to clear my head I decided on walking home. Seeing as I live quite far north, this time of the year is really dark. Especially at night-time. And I love it. To make it even better: It was snowing, the air was clean and it was too late and/or early to be a great rush of drunk people and their drivers. (Meaning: It was after midnight, so people were allready downtown, but it was quite some time before 3 a.m., so people weren’t planning on going home anytime soon. This = hardly any traffic outside of downtown.)
So I was walking home, in a very straight line, with an incredibly sober head. (Yes, seriously.) And I saw everything with brand new eyes. Walking home in the middle of the night sober is not something I do very often, especially seeing as it was cold as fuck, and it always is in Bodø. But I was dressed for walking outside (still in the clothes I had worn to work…) and it all looked so nice. Except for one thing:
The few people I actually met.
I met a couple of cars, and they all stopped for me, and that was nice. Drunk guys in the car-windows making faces and/or gesticulating in a very french manner were still busy trying to score downtown, and the people that passed me on the street were too drunk and cold to bother me. But they still bothered me!
First of all: They were not dressed properly.
People being drunk and falling asleep in ditches has caused deaths in the past, and will continue causing deaths, and do you know what doesn’t help? Going to parties without bringing jackets, scarfes, appropriate headwear, mittens and shoes for walking in the snow when it’s snowing outside! Come on, people, do you want to freeze to death?
Second: They were really drunk.
I think I met 4 or 5 people on the short walk who were all so drunk that they couldn’t even keep on the pavement. They kept crossing the street, maybe 3 times back and forth. And they tried using phones to call people because they clearly had no idea where they were, and so they dropped their phones, or walked back and forth on the same street or stopped for longer periods of time, often in the middle of the road.
And the thing that made all of this even worse: They were all dressed in black, with no shiny objects to make them visible to the human-eye approaching them in a car driving 30-60 kilometers an hour.
Combine this with walking in the streets, sleeping in ditches (this is only speculation, I know…) and not paying attention due to alcohol: Accidents waiting to happen.
The thing that annoys me is that there is this great invention for walking around in the dark and still letting people see you. It’s called reflectors (I think… Refleks in Norwegian, and according to Trygg Trafikk/Safe Traffic it’s reflectors…) and it’s quite genious. They sell them everywhere, they hand them out for free some places, they come in nice and funny designs, they are easy to wear and to hide when indoors, and they make it safer to go raving around drunk in the darkness. How about that?
I actually wore 3 reflectors, and I like them. I think that they’re awesome. You wish you had reflectors as awesome as mine! (And you can! This place sells some almost just like mine, and tons of other cool ones!)
So: Questions for the readers (I haven’t figured out the polling thing yet…):
-Do you own at least one reflector?
-Do you wear it/them?
-Is it cool to wear reflectors and survive, or is it so lame that you would rather get run over and die, or maybe not be found in the ditch you thought was your bed, ’cause it was too dark, and freeze to death?
Moralizing greetings,
Frida, with her awesome reflectors!
Today is the 5th of November, and eventhough I don’t care much about the Gunpowder Plot or old history in Great Britain, or care much about the difference between a monarch ruling in a way that is bad for the people or a catholic leader doing the exact same thing, I do like this day very much.
Why? you ask! It’s simple: I do love bonfires, firework and V for Vendetta.
So, with that in mind I encourage everyone to spend this evening lighting stuff on fire, blowing things up, watching V for Vendetta (as I will do tonight when I get home from work…) or reading the amazing comic-book by Alan Moore and David Lloyd!
And if you go to a party this weekend: Don’t be without the incredibly fashionable Guy Fawkes-mask. As made famous by V and anonymous(es?) all over the world.
And remember kids, scientology is evil!
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
The gunpowder, treason and plot.
I know of no reason
The gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!”
-Even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. Frida.