So, why I am posting this late at night you ask?! Well, I simply can’t sleep. I’ve just laid awake staring into complete darkness for 5 hours now. (Its 0530, GMT+1)  This just might have something to do with the fact that i slept for 6 hours after dinner, waking up, only to go to bed.

But what makes this yet another exam post, you ask!? I simply have an exam in 3 hours. I’ve prepared as much as necessary and got, as usual, absolutely no, nada, zero, null, 0, nerves for my upcoming exam(s)… Some envy me this ability to stay calm as if there were no worries in hectic times, but i really don’t understand how they can’t!? Stress is just unnecessary toil!

Just thought I’d let you know! Especially since I’ve been quite busy lately, and haven’t made the time to make an entry in a very long time. But fear not young maidens, I got some near-future-blog-plans coming up!

Now, I’ll just get my ass out of bed, make some coffee, prepare a proper breakfast, and watch cartoons until I have to leave for my exam!

As you were!

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Due to college-related stress, I had a nervous breakdown about 10 minutes ago. The first thing I did was call my mom, hoping to get a sympathetic ear- long story short, she’s not exactly a sensitive soul. The next person I tried was my sister- no answer on the telephone. So, my last resort: a big slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top. “Ahh, finally the solace I need,” I thought to myself as I devoured the first bite. Immediately, my tears stopped and my nerves settled. As I went in for my second bite, a thought occured to me…put down the pie, and pick up the laptop. Yes! BRBcoffee would be the perfect place to vent my frustrations to the general Norwegian/West Virginian universe in a way that didn’t go straight to my chin(s). The pie is still next to me, but I have not touched it since I opened this web page.

And now, onto why I came to BRBcoffee in the first place: to vent!

Back story:
I am a student transferring from my 2-year Community College to a 4-year University- more specifically Eastern Washington University. I graduated from said Community College this past summer and decided to take a quarter off in order to give myself plenty of time to transfer to EWU.

Current reason why I am stressed:
Eastern took waaaaay longer than promised to review my transcript, accept me as a student, and allow me to declare a major (something I have yet to be able to do). I was finally scheduled for an appointment today with the department head, but got a call that she was not going to be in after all. Well, the woman who I was talking to decided she would help me register for classes over the phone- she suggested Statistics (which was full but she would open a seat for me), a stress management class (also full), and an online class as my only options. I went along with it but mentioned to her that I was pretty sure I didn’t need a Stats class for what I was going into. Turns out, I had been directed to the completely wrong department. All the work I had gone through this past month with calling people, trying to get appointments set up, encountering endless road bumps- all a complete waste of time, and now there is a very small likelihood that I will be able to get into any classes.

Core of the issue: If I don’t get into Eastern by this following quarter, I am going to feel like a failure. My father will be disappointed in me, but more importantly- I will be disappointed in me. I often fear that I am doing nothing productive with my life and that I, basically, suck. College, however, was my small salvation. Though it was a terrible process for me on some days, I forced myself to go and do well in order to say, “I’m not a complete waste of skin.” It made my family proud of me and made me feel less guilty for living a privileged life. Now that I think about it, most of my self-identity was centered around school. Sad, I know, but not being able to go to school just seems completely devastating. I could try and fail to get a job, I guess, but I just don’t feel like it’d be worth it.

Maybe it’s a problem solely with me, or maybe it’s a problem with the fucked-up system known as America. All I know is that I’m not very happy. At least right now, I’m not. I don’t like that feeling of stomach-churning anxiety (which inevitably leads to diarrhea- TMI?) everytime I do anything. I don’t know, maybe I need help.

There is one thing I know for sure, I need to get this off my chest:


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4 days left ’till my first exam, and I’ve slept for 18 hours since last night. I went to bed at 10 pm. because I hadn’t slept for oh so long, and I figured I’d get up around 10 am. if I didn’t wake up on my own before then. Well, it’s 5 pm. now, and I got up half an hour ago. My sleeping patterns are impossible…

I’m totally nervous about my exam, but I’m also in a dire need to get out of the apartment and go to a concert.

And not just any concert. Each year there is a festival, Bodø HardCore Festival (BHCF), in Bodø. It’s mainly rock music, but also some hip-hop and raggae sometimes. And there are 3 bands this year that I’m dying to see. Luckily they’re all in one night, so I go tonight, read for my exam tomorrow, and then I’ll see if I feel seccure enough on my exam to go tomorrow as well.

So which bands am I dying to see?

The fantastic band Honningbarna (on MySpace and Spotify) are playing tonight. I saw them for the first time this summer, and they were fantastic. They’ve played a lot of festivals and have become quite popular. They play hardcore rock, and combine it with a lot of stage-prescence and great lyrics (mostly in Norwegian, which I really like!)

There will also be a reunion with the Bodø-band Sinnssyk Ugle (on Myspace) who haven’t played for some time due to other band-projects. (My favourite being Kråkesølv, eventhough I know some of my fellow authors don’t like them. They just released their second album, and it was quite as great as the first one.) They play indie-like rock, and sing on dialect. Got to love them! (Both of them!)

And every year the local raggae-band Manna (also on MySpace and Spotify) plays. And every year it’s great. Also in Norwegian.

I prefer it when norwegian artists sing in Norwegian. The lyrics are often more natural, it feels more “real”, and the Norwegian-language is quite nice.

So that’s my evening.

Rock out,

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Hola hola hola, oatmeal and granola!

On the buss today, I heard of something that is nothing short of the most awesome thing ever. I dare say it even beats that time George Bush tried walking out a prop door (and while writing this word, I had a massive brain fart. I was unable to write door, i tried doar, dore, dor, nothing worked. Finnaly my good old pal Ferdinand helped me out).

Anyways. Apparently, in a town in Norway called Grimstad, a bunch of guys decided they wanted to do something to help make the world a better place. So they started a thing, called Mustachevember! Or Bartvember if you are Norwegian. The idea: The entire month of November, they grow a delicious, beautiful, untrimmed mustache! On their website, people can vote for the best mustache (costs 5 kr by SMS), and the winner gets crowned mustache-king! Apart from this, the addition of a mustache to a face everyone knows without a hairpiece, will surely cause conversation about the project. Woo!

These are "Les Bartenders", the runner up in the mustache king competition!

This initiative is sponsored by a bunch of corporations and stuff, and all the money they get goes to some charity. This year it goes to an organisation that works to prevent and uncover violence against children and take care of children who are subject to are subject to violence.

Once again mustaches prove to be a life-altering and wonderful thing. <3


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