Posts Tagged ‘toil’

So, why I am posting this late at night you ask?! Well, I simply can’t sleep. I’ve just laid awake staring into complete darkness for 5 hours now. (Its 0530, GMT+1)  This just might have something to do with the fact that i slept for 6 hours after dinner, waking up, only to go to bed.

But what makes this yet another exam post, you ask!? I simply have an exam in 3 hours. I’ve prepared as much as necessary and got, as usual, absolutely no, nada, zero, null, 0, nerves for my upcoming exam(s)… Some envy me this ability to stay calm as if there were no worries in hectic times, but i really don’t understand how they can’t!? Stress is just unnecessary toil!

Just thought I’d let you know! Especially since I’ve been quite busy lately, and haven’t made the time to make an entry in a very long time. But fear not young maidens, I got some near-future-blog-plans coming up!

Now, I’ll just get my ass out of bed, make some coffee, prepare a proper breakfast, and watch cartoons until I have to leave for my exam!

As you were!

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