Archive for the ‘Issues’ Category
Warning: Strong language dead ahead, may seem inappropriate to old people, but only if you’re really old at heart. Also if you’re a parent who thinks being overprotective has any positive effects (hint: it doesn’t) at all, this is your cue to cover your kid’s eyes.
Here’s to the 140th American bank to go under this year. 140 is a good number, so I suppose this is a good day to shout it out loud that we fucking told you so!
We told you this would happen, a long time ago, and when it did happen you lot didn’t learn squat from it. You just kept on trucking like it was business as usual, and it took Roosevelt to get you out of your shit. And get you out of shit he did, but did you thank him for it? No! How dare he mess with the market? How dare he fix the economy with his un-American ways? Shun the disbeliever, the market would have fixed it faster than he did anyway, probably… What’s that you say? Capitalism causes this, and it’s inevitable? No, that can’t be true, capitalism is perfect! It must have been all the government interference. Yeah, that’s right, it was the socialist bastards in the government that did it, because they got so filthy rich during the depression, yeah!
Holy fucking shit it happened again!? Are you serious? It can’t have been Bush’s fault, he was perfect! Didn’t care that the market was fucking everyone up the ass, started wars, drove the nation into a disastrous deficit after Clinton, that asshole, dared run a surplus. There’s just no way it was the Bush administration’s fault. No, Obama did it, Obama and Clinton. The aftereffects of the Clinton administration’s socialist cheating ways, and Obama’s first five days in office, that’s what caused this. Hell yeah, praise the Lord, hoist the flag, and pass the ammunition, for peace, justice, and the American way.
I recently had a conversation with a woman who expressed to me her fears concerning the transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to a prison in Illinois. To loosely quote her, “When they were in Gitmo they were surrounded by water…now they can escape into America.” It took some restraint on my part to not explode with a rebuttal, but I tried my best to listen to what she was saying. I’m glad I did because I soon realized that the invalidity of her facts really wasn’t that important, what mattered was the sentiment she was trying to get across.
It brought to my attention the growing number of Americans who have a real, if not slightly irrational, fear of terror attacks on American soil; a fear which is not entirely dissimilar to the fear felt during The Cold War. Of course, it is only natural to have some lingering trauma from the acts of September 11, 2001. One of the main reasons 9/11 was so frightening was the shock felt at having an attack on “American soil.” Up to that point, we had been pretty spoiled in not having to live in a war-torn country in which stepping outside your door presented a fairly good chance of being killed. The closest and most recent comparison I can make to 9/11 would be Pearl Harbor. So, what, about 60 years in between the two disasters? To some, that seems like an impossibly long period of peace, so I think we’re pretty lucky.
What I’m really trying to get at is this message for Americans: DON’T GIVE INTO YOUR FEAR! The only thing that can come from doing so is irrational paranoia, ignorance, racism, distrust, and maybe, just maybe, another Cold War. I don’t know about you, but the thought of another Cold War is much scarier than the thought of another terrorist attack. I know it’s hard to break through that wall of fear, but you simply have to open your mind.
I have great hopes for this country. I truly believe we can change our ways and evolve into a healthier, more respectable country which can be admired for its hope, flexibility, and promise- as it once was.
Why has America’s political axis completely shifted to the right? The Democratic Party is now moderate-right and the Republican Party is, how shall I put this, way the fuck out in right field! How do I know the Republican Party is WAY right? They are hoping for Palin 2012. Need I say more?
So, basically, we have a one-party state. We all know that a third party (i.e. Green Party, Libertarian Party, etc.) will never win a major election, at least not in the near future. Therefore, we get stuck with someone who is “Republican” or someone who is ”Really Republican” for most elections. That leaves someone like myself, a rather Left-wing, liberal-minded person left feeling unrepresented and downright frustrated with the government! I know I am not alone in this. I know there are many many people out there who stand on similar political ground.
This is what I ask of future politicians; If you claim to be from the Left side (or any side really), then show it! Have the courage to say what you truly think, not what will gain you the most constituents. I’m not the first to call for such a thing, this I know, but every voice helps, right? Anyway, I think we would all greatly appreciate some true variety in our political system. If you are pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control, pro-stem cell research, pro-taxing the shit out of the rich, then simply come out with it! And be proud of it! I am…
This is not rocket science, people. If politicians were more honest about their true opinions, instead of being attention-craving, money-hungry figureheads for all things douchey (see below image), then there would be less corruption in the government and real progress could be made.
I look forward to the day when our country gets over itself and finally steps into the 21st Century.