Why has America’s political axis completely shifted to the right? The Democratic Party is now moderate-right and the Republican Party is, how shall I put this, way the fuck out in right field! How do I know the Republican Party is WAY right? They are hoping for Palin 2012. Need I say more?
So, basically, we have a one-party state. We all know that a third party (i.e. Green Party, Libertarian Party, etc.) will never win a major election, at least not in the near future. Therefore, we get stuck with someone who is “Republican” or someone who is ”Really Republican” for most elections. That leaves someone like myself, a rather Left-wing, liberal-minded person left feeling unrepresented and downright frustrated with the government! I know I am not alone in this. I know there are many many people out there who stand on similar political ground.
This is what I ask of future politicians; If you claim to be from the Left side (or any side really), then show it! Have the courage to say what you truly think, not what will gain you the most constituents. I’m not the first to call for such a thing, this I know, but every voice helps, right? Anyway, I think we would all greatly appreciate some true variety in our political system. If you are pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control, pro-stem cell research, pro-taxing the shit out of the rich, then simply come out with it! And be proud of it! I am…
This is not rocket science, people. If politicians were more honest about their true opinions, instead of being attention-craving, money-hungry figureheads for all things douchey (see below image), then there would be less corruption in the government and real progress could be made.
I look forward to the day when our country gets over itself and finally steps into the 21st Century.