Warning: Strong language dead ahead, may seem inappropriate to old people, but only if you’re really old at heart. Also if you’re a parent who thinks being overprotective has any positive effects (hint: it doesn’t) at all, this is your cue to cover your kid’s eyes.
Here’s to the 140th American bank to go under this year. 140 is a good number, so I suppose this is a good day to shout it out loud that we fucking told you so!
We told you this would happen, a long time ago, and when it did happen you lot didn’t learn squat from it. You just kept on trucking like it was business as usual, and it took Roosevelt to get you out of your shit. And get you out of shit he did, but did you thank him for it? No! How dare he mess with the market? How dare he fix the economy with his un-American ways? Shun the disbeliever, the market would have fixed it faster than he did anyway, probably… What’s that you say? Capitalism causes this, and it’s inevitable? No, that can’t be true, capitalism is perfect! It must have been all the government interference. Yeah, that’s right, it was the socialist bastards in the government that did it, because they got so filthy rich during the depression, yeah!
Holy fucking shit it happened again!? Are you serious? It can’t have been Bush’s fault, he was perfect! Didn’t care that the market was fucking everyone up the ass, started wars, drove the nation into a disastrous deficit after Clinton, that asshole, dared run a surplus. There’s just no way it was the Bush administration’s fault. No, Obama did it, Obama and Clinton. The aftereffects of the Clinton administration’s socialist cheating ways, and Obama’s first five days in office, that’s what caused this. Hell yeah, praise the Lord, hoist the flag, and pass the ammunition, for peace, justice, and the American way.