Welcome, dear reader, to BRBcoffee’s final resting-place. Although it has had different names through the ages, this blog is nearly as old as the interwebs themselves! It started out as a personal myspace-blog, but it has grown since then, both in size, maturity, diversity, and last but most definitely not least, number of authors.

It has not been an easy road for my poor little blog. It seems I have a tendency to wait with migrating it to a new place and platform until long after the necessity arises. From myspace it was moved to blogger, I believe, where it thrived for some time. I fear I neglected it quite often, and I guess that’s when I got the idea to get some help in keeping it alive. Enter Elaine and Vegard.

Elaine and Vegard
It looked something like this

Now I don’t remember if there were any intermediate steps, but somehow I reached the conclusion that tumblr would be the best place to host a collaborative blog. I clearly did not know what I was getting myself into! Customization at tumblr is dreadful, multiple authors is a feature only in name, and just trying to add comment functionality is a royal pain in the ass. However, through combined effort, we made it work … somewhat. The tumblr blog is both the darkest and the brigtest chapter in the history of this blog. Bright, because it saw some brilliant entries from three brilliant people, dark because it suffered mass neglection. Clearly just adding more authors means nothing if there is no driving force.

Which brings us here. The truth is, the tumblr-thing was never supposed to be a long-lasting experiment. Since before we set it up, I had been talking about buying a proper domain and setting up something myself. I even had another friend of mine (who might be making some cameos later on), partially on board with programming the thing. Clearly, such a thing did not happen, but I did buy brbcoffee.com, .net, .info, and .org quite some time ago now! It’s been “under construction” ever since, which here means “Bjørn isn’t doing anything because he’s lazy.”

But lo and behold, brbcoffee is under construction no more! I’ve decided that I don’t like lazy people, and as a testament to that I’ve decided to do this again, for real this time! I will not disappoint any more waiting readers. Instead I shall make this site something I can be proud of, and I think that with a little help from my friends, that goal is very much attainable!

So what are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to reading and listening to us rant?
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Song of the blog: L’s Theme

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