Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Well I hope ya’ll aren’t sick of me yet, because I have another blog in me and it deals with drunken venting.

Summer quarter…first of all, I believe the very statement to be an abomination to mankind. It’s just not natural to attend school in the summer, ESPECIALLY by choice. And by choice, I mean wanting to get your first level  of a college degree complete. Now, I thought the classes I signed up for (2 yoga classes, 1 communications class, and 1 computer class) would be a piece of cake. How wrong I was. Oh how very wrong I was. This quarter is shaping up to be one of my worst. I love yoga so far and the communications class is fairly easy, but the computer class….my god, it feels like a curse has been placed upon me by Zeus himself. In fact, this computer class deserves an entire paragraph of its own, therefore:

Where to begin? Let’s start with the textbook issue. Foolish me decided to buy what I thought was the needed textbook from a friend last quarter. Luckily, it was the textbook I needed- at least ONE of them. Yeah, unbeknownst to me, we actually needed a whole textbook bundle which includes the one textbook I have, a $70 access code to  this dumb internet site, the cd which holds all needed software/files, and another textbook. Needless to say, I’m currently fucked. Because of this issue, I have to do all my schoolwork on campus computers, and as if things weren’t going bad enough, they’ve decided to cut computer lab hours this quarter.

The worst part of all is the disappointment I feel in myself. Why did I trust this friend of mine to give and/or know what I needed for this class? Why didn’t I just buy my damn book from the criminally over-priced campus bookstore? *sigh* GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

I apologize for any misspellings/incorrect grammar. I am drunk right now.


P.S.- I also apologize for bitching about my life. Believe it or not, I know I have things pretty good. I just felt like using this blog to vent.

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People of the internet!

I come to you in this gravest of days. The Norwegian news-agency Dagbladet just alerted me, this womans dog has been stolen!! Apparently, some burglars broke into the home of the people watching her dog, and stole it! She was on vacation, and it is now ruined by the loss of her poor, clothes-wearing puppy who is probably being kept in a cage somewhere!

For those of you that can’t read Norwegian, the news article states that the police have found DNA-evidence on the crime scene. Thank god, those inhumane bastards need to be caught!

Alright, seriousface. What the fuck? I don’t know what infuriates me the most about this! So a beautiful, big breasted blonde has her dog stolen, and she gets a huge news article about it (which on the front page had a larger picture and font than most other articles)? Alright, I can almost live with that. But from the article, I read that the police has recovered DNA-evidence from the crime scene. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Rapists and murderers are walking free because DNA technology has not been used, but HOLD YOUR HORSES, HOLD THE PHONE, HOLD YOUR BOAT! This is the sort of crime where the criminals HAVE to be apprehended!!!

This is absolute bullshit. What about the fact that 1 out of 10 women get raped or attempted raped in Norway at some point in their life, and 2% of all rapists are ever caught? What about the fact that as few as 10% of murderes in this country are actually solved? How about spending some tax money on THAT, in stead of a missing fucking DOG??

Norway, you dissapoint me.


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Greetings one and all!

The time has come for my blog about Olympia. The town of Olympia is the smallish and unique capital of Washington state. It’s an interesting mix of middle-aged conservative politicians and radical hippie youth, and for this reason I love it. I am fortunate enough to have a sister who lives over there, which therefore allows me to make semi-regular trips to the “west side.”

On my last particular trip, nothing too exciting happened, but it was fun nonetheless. I was able to celebrate my sister and her husband’s 3rd year wedding anniversary (we ate, drank, and got perhaps a little too merry), saw the latest A-Team movie (not very enjoyable), and ventured into Seattle for what turned into an awesome night chalk full of Michael Jackson, classic tourist activities, and disgruntled park employees. All in all, it was a success!

Oly isn’t your typical near-the-sea town, it’s quirkier than Seattle, more welcoming than Tacoma, and simply different from any other place I’ve visited. As I said before, it’s inhabited by a unique blend of drastically different types of people- politicians, hippies, musicians, druggies, a few republicans, and just about any other type of person you can think of. As a whole, the town is more health-conscious than most and seems to promote inner and outer peace as well as happiness. I have yet to meet a single high-strung person inhabiting the place.

While I do love being over there, I cannot deny that my true home is and probably always will be Spokane (the city on the other side of the state). I know not why I feel more at home here; it’s drastically more conservative, the climate is almost hellish, and yet it’s my home. Perhaps someday I will feel the pull to move away, but it is not this day. I appreciate my hometown for its pros, its cons, and everything in between. What can I say? I feel content where I live. I count myself as one of the lucky ones.

And on that note, I bid you, my reader, a fond farewell!

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So, It’s been a little while since I’ve contributed. I’ve been working on this on and off for a little while, (mostly as just thoughts and notes so forgive me if it is a little disorganized) and I figured I would share with you lovely people. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I’ve discovered more things about myself in the past 6 months than I think I ever have. I feel more in control than I have before also. But I’m not going to be speaking about me, it’s about something more.

Each and every one of us, whither we believe in God or not, have two things that connect us. That bind us. The first is love. The second is suffering. Ultimately these two are connected also. Not one of us is capable of escaping them. We can try, and we can come close, but even if we escape one for a moment, the other takes us hostage.

There is no escape from suffering when it comes to love. And no love without suffering. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart is sure to ache, and possibly even break. The only way to keep your heart safe is to give it to no one and nothing. You must lock it up and hide it away. To love is to suffer, and to not do so eventually results in damnation. You shouldn’t avoid love for fear of suffering though. Its better to remove all armor, take all risks, and be reckless in love. For pain is much better than to feel nothing at all.

There is something else we all have in common. We live in a world that is desperately seeking a reason, a purpose, a meaning for living. Our nation was even founded with the right to pursuit happiness. I think it’s important that it was worded as such. Happiness is actually easy to come by but hard to grasp. By that, I mean that happiness is something that happens, not something you can reach out and take.

There is a lot to the statement that once you reach the top there’s nothing there. Have any of you heard that? It basically means the enjoyment, the challenge, the beauty of life itself is in the climb to the peak. There is not much at the destination but the footprints following you back through your life. The destination is the end, the destination is death

The way I think of life is a huge open area of land. Your accomplishments and goals in life are marked by small hills. Gradually the hills increase in size. And off in the distance is your mountain. The mountain marks the biggest part of your life, your purpose. You want your highest aspiration to be the peak of that mountain. The more impossible the goal the better. Because once you reach that peak… there’s nothing but the view and then the descent back down…

Now, I know I’m not very old, but the more I grow as a person the more I’m coming to realize the purpose of life. For me, that path leads through knowledge, wisdom, love, and honesty. For you, it may be something else entirely. But those are the things that, to me, I yearn for and always want more of. I want to be wise. I want to learn as much as I possibly can while I live. I want to have a love like in stories and movies (Silly I know lol). And I want it to all to be honest, real, worth it, earned… Now I know I might not obtain all of those to the extend that I would like. But that’s what I want out of life. Life is so short, and at the same time long. There is so much to gain and lose, so much to give and take. There is so much to experience in life. What do you want to experience the most out of life? Can’t think of just one? How about the top 5 or 10 things you want to experience out of life above all the rest?

Look, if through reading all this, (Which I really appreciate if you read it all :] ) you don’t take much away from it…. at least take this. Find someone, something, anything… in this world or otherwise. Once you find it, Love it with everything you have. Love it till you can’t love anymore. It seems to me the question that can’t seem to be answered (What is the purpose of life?), should only have an answer that can’t be explain; love.

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Greetings, dear fellow lifeform.

It’s been said that the hallmark of the human experience is the ability to question shit (I am paraphrasing). Well, recently I have found myself in a position where this great ability is a real pain in the neck.

How are you supposed to act when a situation has arisen that for anyone but you is really easy to decide? When every analysis of the situation both from you and everyone you share it with point to the exact same decision, and you know yourself that they are all right, how is it logical to wholeheartedly consider the other choice, the one that will, almost without a doubt, lead to a crashing and a burning?

Animals are better off some times, blindly following their instincts. Humping trees and eating their own poop, because thats how they roll! Some times I wish i could just turn my brain off and go on autopilot like that (hopefully without humping trees and eating poop).

What the hell?

And another thing. What the hell is up with socks?

Peace out, sauerkraut.


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