Archive for the ‘Love’ Category
Daryl Hall!
I can’t even begin to relate to you how my heart swells when I think of these two wondrous things. I recently attended a Hall & Oates concert, which further cemented my love of the Hall into my heart. Apple cider came into the picture by accident really. See, I’ve given up coffee as of late (a sin, I know, but I have my reasons) and so when venturing through a coffee stand with my sister, I decided to give hot apple cider a go. Turns out, it is one of the most magical things on this good, green Earth of ours. I highly recommend it to any- and every-one.
Hmm, I do believe it is time for a poll.
[poll id=”18″]
On a final note, I dare one and all to watch this video and not smile:
Out of Touch
And if that link doesn’t work, then watch this:
P.S.- We need a food category on here, Burnie!
This entry is simply to pay my respect to the most awesome invention ever: sweet chili sauce!
I am not entirely sure what ingredients it consists of, probably something sweet and a pinch of chili. But it is so ridiculously, amazingly delicious that I do not care! It could contain the souls of babies, and I would still enjoy it!
Imagine the following dinner: cheap, store-bought fish sticks, and a dull, store-bought 1-minute bag of mashed potatoes that regularly tastes like plastic. Sounds awful!! But with the addition of sweet chili sauce, it became so amazingly yummy, i hardly know how to describe it.
Sweet chili sauce is AWESOME!
“Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life… and you give them a piece of you. They don’t ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like “maybe we should just be friends” or “how very perceptive” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” –Neil Gaimon; The Sandman
The more I think about it, the more difficult this thing called life is—especially love. I’m a serial dater (meaning that I tend to have short, meaningless relationships for no reason than to have fun in search of that thing called love). More often than not, I mess up. But sometimes, especially this last time, I don’t understand what happens.
Love is difficult. I try my hardest to be happy, to have fun, to make a difference and I am crushed. What do I do? Try again.
Who knows, maybe this weekend I will meet my future husband and be happy forever. (You pessimists, don’t take this thought away from me.)
Always an optimist,
P.S. I only wrote this because I’m in a nostalgic mood and no one has posted anything in a long while. Though what I said really wasn’t that interesting, god I love that quote from Neil Gaimon.
P.S.S. Read Good Omens by Neil Gaimon. Good stuff. Or the Sandman comic book… also good stuff.
P.S.S.S. Damnit, Elaine posted something today 🙁 THIS REALLY WAS POINTLESS!
It feels like it’s been too long since somebody posted a blog on here. Therefore, I feel the need to give some life (albeit unsubstantial life) back to BRBcoffee.
But what to write about? So many things come to mind; my recent obsession with late-80’s/early-90’s R&B/Hip Hop, and um, no…that’s actually about all that comes to mind (which proves how deeply this fixation has a hold on me). As I write, I am slowly building a playlist of songs that come to mind. So far: “Poison” by Bell Biv Devoe (effing brilliant song, you all must listen!), “Rhythm Nation” by Janet Jackson, “Pony” by Ginuwine, and “Too Close” by Next. This last song, I must elaborate on because it makes me laugh.
Let me begin by saying that I used to love and sing along to “Too Close” when I was in elementary school. Back then, all I cared about was a catchy hook and a sweet beat *facepalm!*. Recently, I re-discovered the song and stumbled upon a dark, dark secret I was unaware of as a child: the song is entirely about a man and woman grinding at a club and the man consequently getting a boner. Yep. Here are some gems of lyrics you can find in this magical song:
“The way that you shake it on me,
Makes me want you so bad sexually
Oh girl!”
(and we can’t forget…)
“Step back you’re dancing kinda close,
I feel a little poke coming through,
On you.”
Just a little poke? Clearly they’re not grinding close enough.
Click here to watch the music video.
Man, the image of me singing along to this is just so utterly fucked up that I cannot help but laugh.
Ooh ooh! More additions to the playlist: “Never Gonna Get It” by En Vogue (En Vogue is so amazing), “My Prerogative” by Bobby Brown, “Candy Girl” by New Edition, and “I’ll Make Love To You” by Boyz II Men (please don’t make fun of me).
I have no idea what has prompted this recent musical endeavor (if I may call it that) of mine. I am a bit prone to what I call “musical obsessions.” I don’t know what sparks them or why they even happen, but every once in awhile I simply get hooked on a certain facet of music, almost like a drug. Some of my past obsessions: Randy Travis’ “I Told You So,” New Kids On the Block, Eminem, Michael Jackson of course (that’s more like a lifelong fixation really), etc. [On a side note, “etc.” is such a lazy expression. It basically means you got tired of listing stuff and instead of saying something like “and so on and so forth,” you just type three letters and a period and call it a day. But I digress…]
The only bad things that come along with these episodes (despite how that sounds, I’m not really a drug addict!) is me usually looking like a fool and wasting time that should be spent on things like, oh I don’t know, homework or getting scholarships maybe? But nooo, my time is spent trying to find the music video for that one song from back in the day I used to dance to that goes something like “du du duu duuu, du du dududud du!” Oh the hours that go into such a search. *Shakes head ashamedly*
How does one end a blog like this? And by ‘this,’ I mean a frenzied rambling on a topic very few give a biscuit about. I think this will suffice:
So, It’s been a little while since I’ve contributed. I’ve been working on this on and off for a little while, (mostly as just thoughts and notes so forgive me if it is a little disorganized) and I figured I would share with you lovely people. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I’ve discovered more things about myself in the past 6 months than I think I ever have. I feel more in control than I have before also. But I’m not going to be speaking about me, it’s about something more.
Each and every one of us, whither we believe in God or not, have two things that connect us. That bind us. The first is love. The second is suffering. Ultimately these two are connected also. Not one of us is capable of escaping them. We can try, and we can come close, but even if we escape one for a moment, the other takes us hostage.
There is no escape from suffering when it comes to love. And no love without suffering. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart is sure to ache, and possibly even break. The only way to keep your heart safe is to give it to no one and nothing. You must lock it up and hide it away. To love is to suffer, and to not do so eventually results in damnation. You shouldn’t avoid love for fear of suffering though. Its better to remove all armor, take all risks, and be reckless in love. For pain is much better than to feel nothing at all.
There is something else we all have in common. We live in a world that is desperately seeking a reason, a purpose, a meaning for living. Our nation was even founded with the right to pursuit happiness. I think it’s important that it was worded as such. Happiness is actually easy to come by but hard to grasp. By that, I mean that happiness is something that happens, not something you can reach out and take.
There is a lot to the statement that once you reach the top there’s nothing there. Have any of you heard that? It basically means the enjoyment, the challenge, the beauty of life itself is in the climb to the peak. There is not much at the destination but the footprints following you back through your life. The destination is the end, the destination is death
The way I think of life is a huge open area of land. Your accomplishments and goals in life are marked by small hills. Gradually the hills increase in size. And off in the distance is your mountain. The mountain marks the biggest part of your life, your purpose. You want your highest aspiration to be the peak of that mountain. The more impossible the goal the better. Because once you reach that peak… there’s nothing but the view and then the descent back down…
Now, I know I’m not very old, but the more I grow as a person the more I’m coming to realize the purpose of life. For me, that path leads through knowledge, wisdom, love, and honesty. For you, it may be something else entirely. But those are the things that, to me, I yearn for and always want more of. I want to be wise. I want to learn as much as I possibly can while I live. I want to have a love like in stories and movies (Silly I know lol). And I want it to all to be honest, real, worth it, earned… Now I know I might not obtain all of those to the extend that I would like. But that’s what I want out of life. Life is so short, and at the same time long. There is so much to gain and lose, so much to give and take. There is so much to experience in life. What do you want to experience the most out of life? Can’t think of just one? How about the top 5 or 10 things you want to experience out of life above all the rest?
Look, if through reading all this, (Which I really appreciate if you read it all :] ) you don’t take much away from it…. at least take this. Find someone, something, anything… in this world or otherwise. Once you find it, Love it with everything you have. Love it till you can’t love anymore. It seems to me the question that can’t seem to be answered (What is the purpose of life?), should only have an answer that can’t be explain; love.