Daryl Hall!
I can’t even begin to relate to you how my heart swells when I think of these two wondrous things. I recently attended a Hall & Oates concert, which further cemented my love of the Hall into my heart. Apple cider came into the picture by accident really. See, I’ve given up coffee as of late (a sin, I know, but I have my reasons) and so when venturing through a coffee stand with my sister, I decided to give hot apple cider a go. Turns out, it is one of the most magical things on this good, green Earth of ours. I highly recommend it to any- and every-one.
Hmm, I do believe it is time for a poll.
[poll id=”18″]
On a final note, I dare one and all to watch this video and not smile:
Out of Touch
And if that link doesn’t work, then watch this:
P.S.- We need a food category on here, Burnie!