Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
According to Wikipedia (where would we be without it, ‘ey?):
Insomnia is most frequently defined by an individual’s report of sleeping difficulties.
It says that Insomnia can be defined by a positive answer to either of these two questions:
“Do you experience difficulty sleeping?” or “Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?”
So, do I experience difficulty sleeping, falling asleep or staying asleep? Yes. To all of the above.
And tonight my main problem is the simple act of falling asleep. I’ve been trying for the past 5 6 hours to fall asleep. And I have to get up in about 4-5 3 or 4 hours.
Tried and failed attempts so far tonight:
- Doing my assignment on feminism in the marxist ideology. (Fun fact: This didn’t bore me, and I didn’t get anything done…)
- Watching a boring movie I have seen 3 times before, and never actually managed to see all the way through without falling asleep at least once. (I watched it to the end this time. The girl chooses the right guy, they get married on the beach eventhough she wanted to get married in the boat-house like her parents, her sister forgives her, and she has 29 brides-maides.)
- Working-out. (This helps sometimes. I guess I just didn’t work hard enough.)
- Seperating and counting my dreadlocks. (I have 27 26, and am wondering where the last one disappeared to…)
- Fixing some of my my nails. (I got bored after 2 and a half…)
- Applying cold, green eye-mask-thingy from the fridge. (Then I just got chills… Not the multiplying kind, thank God! Positive note: I looked like a superhero!)
- Lying around with my eyes closed. (Yes, this was the first thing I tried. And I tried it again, and again, and again.)
- Eating a light meal. (My mother mentioned that if you eat something before going to bed it’s easier to sleep. And I was hungry.)
- Drinking cranberry juice. (I wanted hot milk, but seeing as I’m allergic to milk I went for the cranberry juice instead.)
- Brushing of teeth. (4 times. I flossed twice. I even tried doing it with tepid water, so that the cold water wouldn’t make me more awake. Well, not tepid as in 2 parts cold, 1 part boiled water, but tepid as in “hotter than I want for the water I use to brush my teeth”.)
- Reading from the Catcher in the Rye. And some curriculum stuff.
- Writing this blogpost with a list of things that didn’t work. (And guess what: Not working!)
I would have tried a hot shower, but a friend told me it worked once, and I tried it, and it just woke me up even more.
I also thought of trying a glass of red wine, but the only wine I have is a) white, 2) sparkling or whatever, c) was a gift from a friend (so saving it for something more special…), x) is locked into the apartment of my best friend (who lives in the same building as me, but is visiting her boyfriend) and z) I no longer have her key. Oh), and I’m going to work in some hours, so drinking now would be stupid.
Oh yeah, it is probably my own fault for not beeing sleepy. I slept all day yesterday, because I couldn’t sleep the night before, and instead of sleeping for a couple of hours, getting up, being tired all day and going to bed early I just stayed in bed untill I felt like getting up. So I blame me.
One good thing about this night: I found wonderful music that I will now share with you:
Cristopher O’Riley – Second Grace, a tribute to Nick Drake.
You are welcome.
What a place.
I look at America, even at the world, and I see society after society focused on the bad, the depressing, the wrong.
Rarely are we credited for what was right; so often, instead, we are condemned for the mistakes.
I want to live a life where I wake up smiling, where I think that this day was the best since yesterday. I think the antithesis. I wake up with a curse word on my lips, each day getting worse than the one before.
This life, the way I live it, has me thinking about what I do day to day. I help the community, but not for the right reasons. I help others not for them, but for me. To keep active, to keep happy. Why? Because perhaps if I don’t remain in motion, I will have to actually accept myself for whom I am. Am I a bitch that no one wants to be around? Maybe. Am I a self-righteous, pretentious asshole who does think for attention? Probably. Am I happy about any of these things? God no.
I look at myself, and I’m okay with changing every little thing. I live a paradox where I hate everything about myself, especially the fact that I hate so much.
I was told the other week that I don’t hate anyone because I don’t love anyone. I don’t love anyone because I am unable to feel any emotion, any true emotion. Perhaps I am distant or perhaps I am closer than anyone imagines.
I hate the world for its focus on the bad, the cruel, the wrong, yet I do the exact same. Rarely are good things seen. Is that because I’ve been trained by society to act like this, to ignore the good, the pleasant, the joyful? When will happiness or, at least, complacency come? Where will there be an end, a halt, a change in course?
Soon I hope.
It’s about time!
So, I definitely haven’t posted anything since school began. It’s okay, though because I’m so excruciatingly busy that I have excuses for anything.
If it helps, I definitely cry myself to sleep about every night. It’s actually my favorite thing about my day because the rest of it is hell.
I’m overwhelmed.
No, really. I’m overwhelmed. Screw my life and most of the people in it.
In other news, I’ve been trying to decide on a future! And, going nowhere, I’ve given up and have decided to just.. not worry. So let’s see how long that works. Maybe I wont cry myself to sleep for awhile becaucse of this. You know, until I remember that I can’t just ignore my future.
Seeing as this is my first post on BRBcoffee (and may I say how happy I am to finally be here, after a long and excruciating wait due to Bjørn always forgetting…) I will start my career as an openly caffeine-addicted blogger with a tacky, cliché-like an incredibly awesome “Have you met Frida”-post!
So basically this is what it all comes down to:
My name is Frida, I just turned 20, and I only know a couple of the other people on this blog.
Vegard has been one of my closest friends for a couple of years, due to the random coincidence that neither of us were 18 at the time of a festival in 2008, so we were fenced in together for a couple of days. Seeing as neither of us died in a random case of self-combustion we figured we should become friends. And we did.
Bjørn I know from the political party that me, him and Vegard are in. He joined way after me, ’cause he’s a slow learner and so seeing the need for a revolution took him some extra time… But he caught on quickly, and is now a pretty O.K. guy.
Steinar was the neighbour of one of my oldest friends, and we met on the bus once. I have some memories of this, not a lot. Other than that he is one of the strongest believers in the myth of there existing or ever having had existed a little something something in the relationship between me and Vegard.
Elaine only knows me as Vegard proclaiming my undying love for her, but she clearly knew me well without knowing me, ’cause she didn’t believe it for one second, and actually guessed it to be me every time.
The rest of the people I haven’t had contact with, but probably will. Soon. Or soon enough.
Other things to mention, just to give you the feeling that you know me somehow:
-I’m a compulsive singer, meaning I’m always singing. Sometimes without even realizing it.
-I live in Bodø, as opposed to the other norwegians who betrayed their eminent status of being from the north of Norway to go live places where they have sun for more than 3 months of the year.
-I study political science.
-I work part-time.
-I have a terribly bad taste in humor.
-And yes, to all you guys and girls out there just dying to know: I’m single. (I know you were all wondering..) (Exhibit A of my bad humor…)
I’m pretty lame at coming up with things to write about myself, and so my next post will probably be political or about a book I love or music or something. But if any of the readers or co-authors would like to know anything about me you can ask, and maybe I will dedicate a post to answering questions you may have for me.
*weird good-bye catch-phrase to be inserted here in the future*
I’m sitting here reading about Native Americans and the European settlers in the early days of what is now the USA. I’ve stumbled across a few really interesting facts, that I figured I might share.
First of all, how do you picture Native Americans, or as they were called 300 years ago, the Indians? Chances are you picture a person in an elaborate leather/feather costume, riding a horse with a bow and arrow, like the hunters of the great plains regions. Kinda like this:
Well the interesting thing about this, is that although there were horses on the american continents millions of years ago, they died out. The Native Americans did not have access to horses until the Spanish settlers brought them over in the early 1800s. Also, they did not have bow and arrows, not until the eastern communities brought the technology over. Strange, huh?
Well, it gets better. We all know how this story goes, Native American culture flourishes, then the western settlers come along with their guns and shoot everyone. Right? Wrong! Actually, what killed most of the Indians were not bullets or cannon shells, but what has been termed “the biological unification of mankind”. People from Europe brought over strange diseases that killed off many of the natives. In the 1760s, the British even ransacked smallpox hospitals for contaminated beddings that they gave the natives as gifts. So it wasn’t all accidental!
I shall end this brief history lesson with a quote from my college curriculum:
“The destroyed cultures represented a kind of ecological harmony that was obliterated by selfish capitalist and Christian Europeans.”