Seeing as this is my first post on BRBcoffee (and may I say how happy I am to finally be here, after a long and excruciating wait due to Bjørn always forgetting…) I will start my career as an openly caffeine-addicted blogger with a tacky, cliché-like an incredibly awesome “Have you met Frida”-post!

So basically this is what it all comes down to:
My name is Frida, I just turned 20, and I only know a couple of the other people on this blog.

Vegard has been one of my closest friends for a couple of years, due to the random coincidence that neither of us were 18 at the time of a festival in 2008, so we were fenced in together for a couple of days. Seeing as neither of us died in a random case of self-combustion we figured we should become friends. And we did.

Bjørn I know from the political party that me, him and Vegard are in. He joined way after me, ’cause he’s a slow learner and so seeing the need for a revolution took him some extra time… But he caught on quickly, and is now a pretty O.K. guy.

Steinar was the neighbour of one of my oldest friends, and we met on the bus once. I have some memories of this, not a lot. Other than that he is one of the strongest believers in the myth of there existing or ever having had existed a little something something in the relationship between me and Vegard.

Elaine only knows me as Vegard proclaiming my undying love for her, but she clearly knew me well without knowing me, ’cause she didn’t believe it for one second, and actually guessed it to be me every time.

The rest of the people I haven’t had contact with, but probably will. Soon. Or soon enough.

Other things to mention, just to give you the feeling that you know me somehow:

-I’m a compulsive singer, meaning I’m always singing. Sometimes without even realizing it.
-I live in Bodø, as opposed to the other norwegians who betrayed their eminent status of being from the north of Norway to go live places where they have sun for more than 3 months of the year.
-I study political science.
-I work part-time.
-I have a terribly bad taste in humor.
-And yes, to all you guys and girls out there just dying to know: I’m single. (I know you were all wondering..) (Exhibit A of my bad humor…)

I’m pretty lame at coming up with things to write about myself, and so my next post will probably be political or about a book I love or music or something. But if any of the readers or co-authors would like to know anything about me you can ask, and maybe I will dedicate a post to answering questions you may have for me.

*weird good-bye catch-phrase to be inserted here in the future*

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