Archive for the ‘The blog’ Category
I’m looking for a good free host with decent bandwidth and storage space, but the thing that really matters is that they don’t restrict php. We’re currently hosted on byethost, which makes it nigh impossible to upgrade wordpress and autotweet posts etc. If you know of a good host just leave it in the comments, or mail me if you feel like it!
So yeah,
P.S.: Long live Palestine, long live Gaza!
I’m going to talk about my week! Yeah! (And forgive me if there are typos, I’m on my sister’s computer and the n key sticks like crazy!)
So I just got to my sister’s house from a state 4-H camp called OMC–which stands for Older Member’s Conference. This is an older 4-H camp for the older members (because 4-H is an 8 to 21 year old club) and you have to be between the age of a freshman in high school to a twenty-one year old in college.
I like this camp more than a lot of others because of the age. My county older 4-H camp ranges from 12-21, so the youngins are a bit too young for my liking. At OMC, we can be dirty. We can make crude jokes with extreme sexual innuendos and get away with it without any trouble. Most of all, I like this camp because I only see these people once a year.
Now, if you’ve never been to camp then you can’t really relate. There’s something fun–something adventurous about it. I like my friends, they’re fine people, but there is absolutely something different about these 4-H friends. I’d hate them if I saw them all year long, but most of them live about seven hours away (so the seeing them all the time thing is covered and covered well.)
My week went great. I met so many great people. Four of the boys there followed me around all week hitting on me awkwardly, which I for one adore. I love being hit on.
We had a speaker each day and the good thing about this camp in particular is that we have a discussion type thing where we talk to an experienced elder and ask questions in front of the whole camp. The campers can have a conversation with each other during this and I adore it! I’m a talker though, right? We have the ability to be intelligent, and the intelligent thrive here.
As the week progressed, I learned many things. I learned some more propaganda about alcohol, I learned about civility, I learned about rich bastards that we suck up to so that they can give more money to us, I learned about the world.
I hope that I never forget the people and actions there. I hope that I never forget me and a friend making fun of a fellow for his love of midgets, or the weird as fuck looking bug that landed on my boobs, or my sister crying hysterically in front of 300 people. I don’t want to forget my community service or the tornado that struck about a mile away from the camp that destroyed many places but didn’t touch us. I don’t want to forget my brother singing while I sipped on coffee in the back, or a fellow I have had a crush on for years looking like crazy for chocolate milk so that he wouldn’t have to drink coffee like a big boy. I hope that I will never ever forget the good times, the great times, the fantastic times.
I loved this week, and I’ll love the next month even more <3
But! Party time!
Have a wonderful life,
Olive Juice,
Elizabeth <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
While this seems to be love-week here on BRBcoffee, I have recently discovered a conspiracy that I simply must write about. It’s a matter of my own safety, for I fear that if this conspiracy goes unnoticed, I might die! If enough people know about it, the conspirators will either be too afraid to strike again, or at least when they succeed I will have left behind enough information that the guilty ones will easily be identified and taken care of.
I started suspecting that there was a conspiracy only yesterday, but there is evidence that it has gone on for much longer than that. The first thing that made me suspicious was the comments right here, on this blog! They’re using my own tools to conspire against me! Ghasp! If you look carefully, you’ll find that there are direct promises of violence against me under one blog post, and with that premise, other comments can be interpreted to be hidden threats. For instance “Something good might happen to the American people!” is obviously referring to my impending death.
As you can see, the conspirators are none other than my own handpicked co-authors! I can only speculate as to what their motives are, but one thing is certain, they have been at it, and recruiting co-conspirators, for a very long time! That picture is published on facebook, and in the comments section there are three more people who express glee at my passing.
It gets worse. I have reason to believe that they have direct access to my food-supply. As I was enjoying a moment of silence in my otherwise hectic day, and eating a dinner which I had most meticulously concocted, my own food tried to kill me. Had I not had water handy, as I always do, for situations just like this one, my food would have succeeded. The assault cannot have lasted longer than 20 seconds, but they were some of the longest seconds of my life! How they managed to inspire such mutiny in my food I do not know, but from now on I shall always be on guard, and always chew thoroughly.
In other news, I’ve recently revived my Linux partition, and am thinking about giving it a revamp. Any ideas?
Following is an exert of a conversation me and fellow brbcoffeer Elaine had:
(10:44:06 PM) Vegard: alright i can’t think of an awesome enough metaphor, so im gonna serve you with “drumroll” “trumpets” analysis of the norwegian society in 5 minutes!
(10:44:25 PM) Elaine: do it
(10:44:25 PM)Vegard: 1800s! norway is a poor farmer country. people live on potatoes and fish, family is important and there are manners!
(10:44:34 PM) Elaine: yay
(10:44:46 PM) Vegard: 1900s! norway becomes industrialized through a series of wars and a social democratic working movement
(10:44:59 PM) Vegard: 1960s! norway finds OIL, and becomes one of the richest countries in the world
(10:45:20 PM) Vegard: norway developes universial health care, governmental support and all such things so that noone ever has to feel alone and scarted
(10:45:23 PM) Vegard: scared*
(10:45:27 PM) Elaine: yay! oil!
(10:45:38 PM) Elaine: what a concept
(10:45:47 PM) Vegard: 1990! children are born growing up with the sence that everything will fall into their laps, and they never have to work hard for anything
(10:46:00 PM) Elaine: My birth year!
(10:46:15 PM) Vegard: 2010: the academical world is governed by people from all over th world working hard to achieve something, get a good career!
(10:46:41 PM) Vegard: while norwegians in academia abroad has this exact attitude: “i can always get a bachelor in something back home and work in some government corporation”
(10:47:28 PM) Elaine: hah
(10:47:28 PM) Vegard: norwegians socially end up afraid of black people, afraid of eachother, drinking too much alcohol, never greeting eachother, never standing up for old people on the bus, and if you dare smile at someone you don’t know you get labled crazy
(10:47:34 PM) Elaine: bahaha
(10:47:40 PM) Vegard: i present to you: norway. the most arrogant country in the world
(10:47:47 PM) Vegard: now with great fjords
(10:47:50 PM) Vegard: *conclusion*
(10:47:54 PM) Elaine: Wow
(10:48:04 PM) Elaine: *applause*
(10:48:08 PM) Vegard: *bow*
Social democracy: the wet blanket over society.
Until next time friends,
CSS is effing awesome! WordPress’s editor is a bitch that can’t retain html code for shit. That is pretty much all. New about-sites, go get to know us! Hoping that the remaining two authors will finish theirs soon. Do you like our new favicon?
I’ll let you in on a secret: There are a few candidates. Which one do you like better?
[poll id=”4″]