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Hey guys! Just thought I ought to let you know that I’m about to go insane! So that’s fun! What’s new in your world? Anyway, I want to do something with the wallpapers page, and I’m too lazy to try to coerce my host into letting me program that page with python, so for now I just want everyone to send me their wallpapers, and I’ll add them manually. Sound alright? Here, I’ll make it easy for you, just click this!

Also, wanna try something fun? This will let you go batshit and shoot websites to smithereens! Drag it to your bookmarks bar and you can use it anywhere! It’s great for getting out internet aggression, and I recommend using it on the comments on youtube 🙂

Song of the blog: Crazy Bitch

Yours sincerely and forever
Burnie 😀

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Welcome, one and all, to Burnie’s new concept, the bus blog! I’ll write short entries about whatever is on my mind while I translate myself from home to campus! And what’s on my mind today, you inquire? Why, Burnie’s Bus Blog, of course!

Burnie’s Bus Blog will be notoriously void of images, sadly, a consequence of always being written on my delicious phone, the HTC Hero. I just flashed a new ROM on it, actually, so I.guess I’ that.

“But Burnie, what does that even mean?” You cry out, as the mixed excitement at all these new concepts hits your frontal lobe. Flashing a ROM onto a phone is a kind of dark magic, similar to the act of installing a new operating system on your computer, except the process is much more hacky (read: user-unfriendly).

Bloody hell it’s cold outside! The wait between buses is the worst part of my day.

Where was I? Oh, right. Anyway, for the past months I’ve been using team Villain’s ROM Froyd, which was the best 2.2 ROM for a long time, but the main develiper, Ninpo, ceased development, and in this scene you can’t expect to be on top for long. I don’t know for sure who has the best one now, but the one I flashed last night was Floyo, with the flykernel. It is also 2.2, and is based on Cyanogen’s brilliant mod, just like Froyd was. Cyanogen is still going strong, probably because it isn’t confined to the Hero.

Anyway, Cyanogen and Floyo has incorporated some of the stuff you see in the new HTC Sense interface, which I still feel is the finest Android shell out there, although I left it long ago due to a lack of updates. I’m beginning to realise that this topic might not be suited for a bus blog, it is much too large.

There are rumors of an official 2.2 ROM with sense for the legend next week, which will surely be ported to my phone! That will be  nice.

I’ve arrived!
See you 🙂

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Tis the season for females to dress slutty and males to compete over who has the best excuse for not dressing up!

Happy Halloween everyone! Remember, don’t indulge in gluttony, that’s one of the mortal sins!  Just kidding, consume candy tillst thou dropeth!

Song of the blog: What’s This? (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

Yours truly

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On the day that Google turns 12, BRBcoffee gets its 150th blogpost, and its 7th author! I’m working on moving the site to a new, better host. I say better, because in terms of features they are, but it’s taking some time for them to activate my account… Anyway, as soon as that happens, I have lots of stuff planned! I think you’ll all like it 😉

Oh, and since I can’t blog without being political… Yo Netanyahu, what you’re doing here is generally known as a dick move! It’s usually not a good idea to resume building big fucking shit on other people’s land, especially if you’re currently engaged in peace-talks with said people, and especially if said people are are already super pissed with you because you built big fucking shit on their land!
Let’s get the song of the blog rolling again!
Song of the blog: Annihilation (APC)

Yours inconsistently,

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