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You might be asking yourself, why does Burnie only blog on the bus? Well, it’s because that’s the only time I have to spare. I’m a student, I’m the leader of Stavanger RU, I also hold positions in a slew of other organizations, such as the student organization at my faculty, and still 3 more. This all amounts to meetings almost every day on top of all the school work I need to do. In short: I’m very, very busy.
So what’s the trick to managing my time to make this all work? I’d love to tell you, but the truth is I’m still trying to figure it out myself. I’m desperately trying to keep up with my studies, which isn’t exactly made easier by retaking two classes that I failed earlier, probably due to not knowing the trick. If you feel like you’re juggling like this, the only thing I can tell for sure is that trying to sleep less in order to make more time definitely does not work. I tried it for a while, but I just ended up oversleeping every day and felt increasingly shitty.
The smart thing to do is more than likely to drop two or three distractions. Figure out what’s most important to you right now, and then you can decide how many distractions you can handle. However if you’re anything like me, you’re in too deep to just drop everything, there are people who depend on you getting your shit together. Not only that, you like all the stuff that you do, and you’re damn well not about to give it all up just because you have to do your blogging on the bus, or whatever it is you don’t have time to do in a “normal” fashion.
That’s me as of today; I’m struggling a bit, and some weeks I feel like I’m just late for everything, but it seems to work out, somehow. Let’s briefly examine the how of my case, how on earth has it worked out so far? Turns out, there might not be a trick, but there is a secret: I, you, all of us, need help. I don’t mean a shrink, except for you, Daniel, seriously, go see someone. For the rest of us, a friend will suffice, a partner in crime, or two, if you can find two, but friends like this are hard to come by. Two people can get four times the amount of shit done, honestly, I’ve done the math, it’s perfectly logical, sort of.
And there’s one more thing that we all need to be reminded of every once in a while: it’s not the end of the world if you fuck up sometimes, you just need to learn from it, give the middle finger to the window, laugh, and do better next time.
And with that, I’m out.
Yours truly
Ah, and the song of the blog is Cave In, by Owl City.
It seems like I’m late for everything this week… Don’t you just hate the feeling of being late? And since I have neither a car nor a license, I am entirely at the mercy of the bus drivers… and if you live in or around Stavanger, you know that’s not a good thing…
Being late for meetings is the worst, because you’re not just, or even at all, missing out on anything, you’re just holding everybody else up and wasting their time, a commodity few among us have a lot of. And you have to feel their blaming looks when you enter the room. They might play it cool and welcome you, verbally, but you can still feel their eyes stabbing you repeatedly for being such a lazy ass.
As you might have already guessed, that is the situation I am in now. Meeting started one minute ago, unless I am gravely mistaken, which does happen, and I am only on the first of my two busrides, and you just know the next one will be extra super late. It’s raining outside, naturally, so everyone’s mood is already low, and mine will be even worse after I’ve had to wait in the infernal stuff.
I wrote an essay in high school once where I proposed that time was mankind’s most ill-conceived invention, and I stand by what I said back then. The moment we invented time was the moment people started being late for shit, and in all likelyhood the reason why wars sprang into existence. Some head of state came in late one too many times and the exceedingly punctual one, there’s always one of them, just lost his or her shit.
I hate being late. I hate this shitty weather, and I hate time. And why the hell can I add media from the wordpress app, but not decide where it should be placed!?
Song of the blog: Welcome To The Black Parade, by MCR
Yours in good and bad times
PS: I totally updated our about page last night! Go read our story!
Now with 100% more keyboard! I went and bought myself an HTC Desire Z when my Hero mysteriously disappeared last weekend, and it arrived in the mail yesterday! So naturally, it has already been rooted and has had its ROM replaced with a custom one from Team Villain <3
At the present I am heading up to campus after brainwashing recruiting more communists at St. Olav high school in Stavanger. For being such a blue school, they were quite open to our stuff! Fun!
Shiet, didn’t charge my phone last night, only 2% battery left! See ya!
Your lovely admin
Just checking in to say that I removed the wallpapers page, after realizing how unnecessary it was. To those who sent wallpapers to me, I am sorry for the hassle.
Really, Burnie, wallpapers on a blog? Why? That’s what sites like 4walled are for…
Also I did this from my phone in minutes. I love technology!
I hope everyone had a great holiday, I know I did. I shall blog you soon, that I promise. Now. Scram, I need to sleep.
Here’s to the crazy ones! Gonna do some awesome activism today, but first some fiscal responsiblity, I love when debt gets repaid!
But you don’t care about that, do you? You just want me for my communism! Alright, I’ll indulge. What we’ll be doing today is a simple but delicious act of civil disobedience. They’re discussing the budget at city hall today, and they’re probably gonna pass something that will have terrible consequences for Metropolis, a very successful youth/concert house thingie here in Stavanger. We’re not too happy about this, so we’ll drop a huge ass banner over them inside city hall that reads “PRESERVE METROPOLIS.” Long live imagination, eh? It does sound marginally better in Norwegian though.
Shut up! It’s awesome, we’re awesome, and you know it!
Yours bussingly
Aaaand that went to hell, because politicians are unreliable bastards! Damn! But!: I’ve got a new plan that will at least partly make up for it! I’ll show you later…