Amazing how I can’t find the time, as of late, to write about semi-worthwhile subjects.
I suppose we should talk about Egypt. First of all, I haven’t actually researched what’s going on too in-depth and therefore I probably shouldn’t even be bringing it up, but why the hell not? As a paranoid, pro-“fuck-the-government” kind of person by nature, I have to side with the protesters. I would estimate that about 99.99999999999% of the time, government is fucking with its citizens. Revolution is a beautiful thing. That attitude of standing up for yourself against the big bad monster is simply…liberating. Of course, I might not feel the same way if I were the one(s) in power, but seeing as most citizens of planet Earth will never, ever, be the ones in power, I think it’s safe to say most of us feel the same. Naturally, there are those few dumb-asses that look at what’s happening on the news and say, “Those damn Arabs are always causin’ some kinda trouble!” (I may or may not unfortunately live in the same household as one said dumbass.) If they simply weren’t ignorant as all get out, they, too, would be on the side of the protesters. You know, that makes me think about Republicans- but that’s a whole different blog that should be saved for another day.
Being that I live in America and share a household with average Americans, I get to witness a variety of, how I shall I say, political absurdities. For instance, the news has made a bigger deal over the fact that Angelina Jolie’s schedule for filming a movie about Cleopatra will now be delayed due to the protests, than the actual protests themselves! WTF, man. Perhaps this is why most Americans (including myself) are poorly informed on just about everything. “Freedom of the press,” yes yes, but at what point do we reign them in and say, “Tell me the fucking truth!?” I will admit that I, myself, am aware that I could actually go seek the truth out there on the wild internet frontier and that I am just too lazy at the moment to do so, but that’s just me. Most people actually take their news for news. Sad, but true.
Well, in two paragraphs I’ve managed to blaspheme America, American news, government in general, and even Angelina Jolie.
My job here is done.
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