I think it’s about damn time for a change. I don’t know what I’m going to change, but it’s going to be something.
I’m beginning to hate myself–not in a self-destructing way, but in a I-need-to-change-something-about-myself way. I’ve gotten to the point where I annoy myself, and if I annoy myself, do I annoy other people? Probably.

I think I could rock this, don't you?!
Therefore, I’m going to change something. Maybe I’m going to become someone who studies really hard or perhaps I’ll get a new type of hair or buy some new clothes. Maybe I’ll make a new friend. Maybe I’ll become someone who drinks 8 cups of water a day. Maybe I’ll eat healthily. Maybe I will stop using apostrophes. I just need to change something. I need to break the spell of monotony with something, I don’t care what.
I just need to shake something up. I need to focus on something different, maybe obsess about something new, and therefore not annoy myself or other people. I just need to change something about this boring life.
What has brought this about, you may ask? Perhaps it is my upcoming big choices. Or maybe it’s because I’m updating the Sims and must wait twenty minutes for it to load.
Disconcertingly yours,
P.S. My school was just cancelled for tomorrow 🙂 Be happy for me!