I realize that most of our blog’s readers are Norwegian, but for those few who care, this is my take on some of the flaws of the American governmental system.
To me, it is obvious that the political system in Washington D.C. is a broken one which promotes greed and personal interests. The politicians we send there are focused mostly on reelection and sticking with the party.
Our “representatives” have lost touch with their constituents and themselves. It seems that nobody in Congress or the Senate can think with their own minds or have their own opinions. The health care reform debacle is just one example of how most politicians are guilty of distancing the two major political parties as much as possible and therefore widening the gaps between us Americans. While it does not surprise me, it does always amaze me how Congressmen and Senators alike will make complete asses out of themselves in order to “stick together.”
Of course, the media does sensationalize every little thing to make us feel like some issues are more important than they really are. I have trouble trusting media, save public radio and television, because they all have plenty of motivation (i.e. being owned by big business) to have hidden agendas. Similar to the politicians themselves, news media has lost touch with its purpose; to sort through the wasteland that is politics and inform the people about issues they need to be involved in. Being a young person, I can say that most of my generation doesn’t even watch or read the news anymore. I don’t blame them, for it does seem pointless at times. The lack of involvement that is stemming from this is fairly dangerous to the future of American citizenship.
What we, the American people, could truly benefit from is having more
independent thinkers in Washington. Dare I say people who are rational and maybe, just maybe, have a set of moral standards that can’t be deterred by ny persuading or bribing? I’m not saying they all have to live up to any one set of moral standards, such as Christian moral standards, what I am saying is that we need honest-to-goodness people working for the betterment of our nation and its citizens. To think of politicians with some semblance of genuineness is almost laughable, but I truly do hope our nation’s government will, at some point, take a turn for the better.
Hope this incredibly disturbing picture gives you a laugh:
Good Day!