Posts Tagged ‘Dirpy’

Alright, so the headline doesn’t quite make sense. Allow me to explain.

Recently I have been using Youtube more and more to listen to music. I am using Linux, so Spotify is out (theres some bullshit with Spotify and Wine emulation). I can’t be arsed downloading entire albums, and there are simply some songs that only exist on Youtube. So wat do? Well obviously one would want to have these songs on ones mp3 player, or simply on the computer so you don’t have to actually open Youtube and stream it. Yes?

Well, I have been trying for a long time to find a program or a website that does this, and gets good quality. For a while i used Kickyoutube, but the quality was terrible, it often just downloaded 2/3 of the song and now the website is messed up. So today i stumbled across Dirpy!

Dirpy is a brilliantly awesome website, which allows you to simply copy the youtube link into the field, and then you can download it in 128 kbps quality. I am not an audiophile, so I can listen to this just fine. And the best part, when you look away from the fact that you actually get to download high quality songs, there are no irritating adds or popups. This site is awesome!

Enjoy it, darn you. Music to the people!

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