Sorry about this. I just had to! I don’t expect you to read it, but it would sure be nice if you did.

My hand writing is awful, and there might quite a few grammar errors in there!

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Howdy folkadillos.

I have some non-important news! Well, non-important to you, but ALL important to me. As some of you may know, I gave up my precious, beloved coffee some time ago (about 6+ months?). My reasons were as follows: I was addicted and didn’t want to be, it contained unnecessary calories that my chub-a-wub simply didn’t need, and it stained my teeth. Well well well, thanks to my dental appointment yesterday, I can cross one of those reasons off the list. Turns out, the coffee was never staining my teeth…it was the diabolical mouthwash I’ve been using for the past 2-3 years!

Fuckin' Crest

If you’re a fellow user of Crest Pro-Health, worry not! It probably isn’t staining your teeth, it just does that to a small minority of people and I happen to be one of them.

So here’s the dilemma: do I go back to coffee? I mean, we parted ways over 6 months ago and it was a bit of a nasty break-up. Two of my reasons for leaving the cheating bastard (woah, I’m getting way too into this) still hold true…but I miss him. I miss his rich, deeply satisfying liquid…..Ok, I’m done now. But seriously, what do you think I should do?

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P.S.- Look forward to my up and coming blog about the amazing fucked-up-ness of the Christmas song, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” (unless I forget to post it).

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As some of you might know, the story of my studies, my future plans and anything revolving around this subject has been a swirling swirlyness of confusion, indecisiveness and huge impulse-decisions. My only steady rock in an otherwise world of “wat?” is the notion of wanting to become a teacher.

Allow me to briefly recap you on the story. I pop out from high school, study a year of political science in Bodø, rush to Stavanger to study english for half a year, and as of this January, I am going to Oslo. That is where this blog series comes into the picture. I still have no idea what I am going to study, and every other week i go onto the University in Oslos websites and find a different plan for myself that seems equally thrilling. I shall tell this tale as it progresses.

Europe! Woo, aint that a pretty-as-cheesecake continent? Anyways, currently I am browsing something called a bachelor in Europestudies, which as well as giving a thorough run-through of EU, will let me choose to study it from a political science point of view. When this delicious bachelor is done, I will qualify for a masters degree in political science, which I can build upon with pedagogics and become a teacher, or find me another awesome job.

Thanks for your time. Peace out, liberty cabbage

[poll id=”28″]

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When I’m sick I get really whiny and dramatic about it. Not because I actually believe I’m about to die, but because I feel like shit, and when I feel like shit I need to do something supernegative to get it out or something superpositive to make it better. When I’m sick, superpositive things aren’t easy to come across and do.

When I’m sick while reading for my last exam of the year, superpositive things are even rarer to come across. So I whine, I bitch, I eat junk and I whine some more. Like right now: Eating peanuts and chocolate-mix (with not enough chocolate), whining to myself and silently cursing the post-man for making a lot of noise right outside my apartment.

Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a short introduction to my past days and weeks of being sick, exam-bound and whiny. Hope you all enjoyed it.

I give all my worldly belongings to whoever finds me dead on the shower-floor, and I will give a lot of love to whoever does my grocery shopping for me, so I won’t have to go to the store.


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Here’s to the crazy ones! Gonna do some awesome activism today, but first some fiscal responsiblity, I love when debt gets repaid!

But you don’t care about that, do you? You just want me for my communism! Alright, I’ll indulge. What we’ll be doing today is a simple but delicious act of civil disobedience. They’re discussing the budget at city hall today, and they’re probably gonna pass something that will have terrible consequences for Metropolis, a very successful youth/concert house thingie here in Stavanger. We’re not too happy about this, so we’ll drop a huge ass banner over them inside city hall that reads “PRESERVE METROPOLIS.” Long live imagination, eh? It does sound marginally better in Norwegian though.

Shut up! It’s awesome, we’re awesome, and you know it!

Yours bussingly

Aaaand that went to hell, because politicians are unreliable bastards! Damn! But!: I’ve got a new plan that will at least partly make up for it! I’ll show you later…

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