Merry Christmas, or whatever…
In lack of stuff to do after the Christmas climax, I’ve been stuck in front of the telly all day long. By now, every single movie they’ve managed to put on screen, I’ve already seen at least 2 times before. This brings me to dubbing. This time of year, many of the movies sent, are animations or cartoons, dubbed to Norwegian… Well OK, I can understand this for the sake of the children, but when they mix up the movie with several languages like in the Norwegian version of Happy Feet, which in fact is on TV right now, it makes me want to crush stuff to bits and pieces.
A movie should always be in its original state. Dubbing = crapping, in most cases. Ive seen a few animations and cartoons that works with dubbing, but the original content is still better than the recreation of lyrics and translations. What really bugs me about Happy Feet right now, is the mixing of languages! (I assume you’ve all seen this film.) Theres is quite a bit of singing in it, but this haven’t been translated at all. This means; The original voices by Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, are still in the dubbed version. But the Norwegian voices are different, so their voices vary a bit throughout the movie, and it gets totally ruined by the fuck ups that decided to do this pathetic thing to such a good movie!?
Sorry about all the whining, but this is really upsetting me… How can the producers live with themselves knowing what pain they cause us (or just me)?!
Well, I hope Santa got you what you wished for, or at least something similar that made you happy!
As you were!
Good morning.
As the green goblin said in the spider-man movie, forty thousand years of evolution and we’ve barely even tapped the vastness of human potential. Or in the spirit of Kelso in that 70s show, it’s the 1970s, things should have round edges by now! It’s almost 2011 for crying out loud, and yet stupid sicknesses like the flu still roam the lands, infecting people at willy-nilly. Shouldn’t we have been able to cure that shit by now?
I want my bionic exoskeleton that protects me from diseases and makes me awesome. Why are nobody working on this? Surely we’ve seen enough movies of aliens featuring Will Smith to know that exoskeletons are awesome?
Also, during the night when I was unable to sleep, I thought of a list of things that are more awesome to do because of having a mustache. Sadly, I have forgotten what those things were.
Full of holiday cheer,
It’s christmas time in the city!
And by “The City” I mean my parents house. I have fled home for the holidays, all the way across town, to celebrate with the people I love… And am related to.
This christmas I actually feel the holiday-spirit filling me to the brim and making me happy and dancing ad singing. Having a couple weeks of vacation before christmas really helps. It gave me the time to have fun with friends, buy all the presents and do stupid christmas stuff. Not obsessing about anything also helps. And two wonderful (and quite sexy…) new outfis for the holidays REALLY helps.
Also: Being in love definately makes me more holiday-ish. Knowing that I have an apartment and a life waiting for me in Tromsø in 20 days is very helpful.
Clearly the same goes for the rest of my family as well. (Not the part about me leaving making them happy, but the being in love-thingy.) This is particularly noticable on my younger brother, who just got himself a girlfriend. His mood is clearly improved. Which is a relief to those living with him.
All in all: A very happy christmas.
Warm and loving greetings,
Christmas, Xmas, jul, holidays, kerst, weinachten, Joulu, natale, noël, or whatever you call it is right upon us by now. But what the heck is all the fuzz about this shitstorm of toys, santas, candy, expectations, giving gifts, “happy people” and annoying shopping music?
Usually I avoid going shopping or so, just because of all the people, the noise and shitty music played in the stores. Now I get queasy just thinking about standing an hour in a sauna to get the correct stuff, then paying for it, topped of by crappy noisy Christmas music.
We are expected to give gifts to one another, and if you give only a few people gifts, the rest will feel forgotten and sad because they too wanted a gift from you if your other friends got one. Simply this is a dilemma easy to fix, don’t by gifts! At least that’s what I do! Gifts for family is OK though! But why empty your wallet on stuff people usually don’t need?!!
Stores sell us Christmas, but at which price? Well, they earn truckloads of money, and start selling candy and presents as early as after Halloween, which is a chapter for itself! dumb as we are, we buy lots of stuff, and many even use credit cards which they can’t pay back afterwards. Our community and expectations from those around us actually drives a few down the path to bankruptcy… Is this what you want to happen to people in Christmas times?
Happiness… Why are we supposed to be more happy in the holidays? Shouldn’t we be trying to cheer people up all the year, instead of the one “happy” month. I really don’t see why we are supposed to be more happy this time of the year.
People speak of getting the “Christmas feeling!” This is something I can barely remember having as a child. Now, the closest I think I get to this is Christmas food and old classic cartoons, presents are something I’ve never really enjoyed, due to everyone getting a lot of presents, preferably expensive presents, and me getting almost none in comparison. Christmas has been so industrialized it sickens me.
Although I’m such a negative party pooper, I look forward to the few days I’ve got ahead of me with my family. And kinda hope you all get a nice Christmas!
My appearance has undergone a drastic makeover. I went from a chubby, pale/smooth-faced raggy socialist with a scarf from Syria, a dirty grey jacket and 3 or 4 year old dirty, grey snickers. Then suddenly, over the course of two days of delicious shopping, I changed! (Alright, my beard took a bit longer)
So, since fashion-blogging is the shizznatz this year, let the photos begin!
Well, today me and fellow BRBcoffeer Frida finished the job with a new pair of shoes! Check it:
Words seem superfluous, so to the voting!
[poll id=”34″]
Until next time friends,