Archive for the ‘The blog’ Category

Christmas, Xmas, jul, holidays, kerst, weinachten, Joulu, natale, noël, or whatever you call it is right upon us by now. But what the heck is all the fuzz about this shitstorm of toys, santas, candy, expectations, giving gifts, “happy people” and annoying shopping music?

Usually I avoid going shopping or so, just because of all the people, the noise and shitty music played in the stores. Now I get queasy just thinking about standing an hour in a sauna to get the correct stuff, then paying for it, topped of by crappy noisy Christmas music.

We are expected to give gifts to one another, and if you give only a few people gifts, the rest will feel forgotten and sad because they too wanted a gift from you if your other friends got one. Simply this is a dilemma easy to fix, don’t by gifts! At least that’s what I do! Gifts for family is OK though! But why empty your wallet on stuff people usually don’t need?!!

Stores sell us Christmas, but at which price? Well, they earn truckloads of money, and start selling candy and presents as early as after Halloween, which is a chapter for itself! dumb as we are, we buy lots of stuff, and many even use credit cards which they can’t pay back afterwards. Our community and expectations from those around us actually drives a few down the path to bankruptcy… Is this what you want to happen to people in Christmas times?

Happiness… Why are we supposed to be more happy in the holidays? Shouldn’t we be trying to cheer people up all the year, instead of the one “happy” month. I really don’t see why we are supposed to be more happy this time of the year.

People speak of getting the “Christmas feeling!” This is something I can barely remember having as a child. Now, the closest I think I get to this is Christmas food and old classic cartoons, presents are something I’ve never really enjoyed, due to everyone getting a lot of presents, preferably expensive presents, and me getting almost none in comparison. Christmas has been so industrialized it sickens me.

Although I’m such a negative party pooper, I look forward to the few days I’ve got ahead of me with my family. And kinda hope you all get a nice Christmas!

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Sorry about this. I just had to! I don’t expect you to read it, but it would sure be nice if you did.

My hand writing is awful, and there might quite a few grammar errors in there!

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As some of you might know, the story of my studies, my future plans and anything revolving around this subject has been a swirling swirlyness of confusion, indecisiveness and huge impulse-decisions. My only steady rock in an otherwise world of “wat?” is the notion of wanting to become a teacher.

Allow me to briefly recap you on the story. I pop out from high school, study a year of political science in Bodø, rush to Stavanger to study english for half a year, and as of this January, I am going to Oslo. That is where this blog series comes into the picture. I still have no idea what I am going to study, and every other week i go onto the University in Oslos websites and find a different plan for myself that seems equally thrilling. I shall tell this tale as it progresses.

Europe! Woo, aint that a pretty-as-cheesecake continent? Anyways, currently I am browsing something called a bachelor in Europestudies, which as well as giving a thorough run-through of EU, will let me choose to study it from a political science point of view. When this delicious bachelor is done, I will qualify for a masters degree in political science, which I can build upon with pedagogics and become a teacher, or find me another awesome job.

Thanks for your time. Peace out, liberty cabbage

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Hey guys! Just thought I ought to let you know that I’m about to go insane! So that’s fun! What’s new in your world? Anyway, I want to do something with the wallpapers page, and I’m too lazy to try to coerce my host into letting me program that page with python, so for now I just want everyone to send me their wallpapers, and I’ll add them manually. Sound alright? Here, I’ll make it easy for you, just click this!

Also, wanna try something fun? This will let you go batshit and shoot websites to smithereens! Drag it to your bookmarks bar and you can use it anywhere! It’s great for getting out internet aggression, and I recommend using it on the comments on youtube 🙂

Song of the blog: Crazy Bitch

Yours sincerely and forever
Burnie 😀

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So, why I am posting this late at night you ask?! Well, I simply can’t sleep. I’ve just laid awake staring into complete darkness for 5 hours now. (Its 0530, GMT+1)  This just might have something to do with the fact that i slept for 6 hours after dinner, waking up, only to go to bed.

But what makes this yet another exam post, you ask!? I simply have an exam in 3 hours. I’ve prepared as much as necessary and got, as usual, absolutely no, nada, zero, null, 0, nerves for my upcoming exam(s)… Some envy me this ability to stay calm as if there were no worries in hectic times, but i really don’t understand how they can’t!? Stress is just unnecessary toil!

Just thought I’d let you know! Especially since I’ve been quite busy lately, and haven’t made the time to make an entry in a very long time. But fear not young maidens, I got some near-future-blog-plans coming up!

Now, I’ll just get my ass out of bed, make some coffee, prepare a proper breakfast, and watch cartoons until I have to leave for my exam!

As you were!

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