Archive for the ‘Music’ Category
New years eve:
In spite of the party going well and having fun I didn’t feel too good, and went to bed early.
January 1st, 2011: Praying for death or morphine.
Waking up at around 6 (while a part of the party was still partying in the room outside my apartment), sick and in a really bad shape. The hours that followed included me living on the bathroom floor with a fever and a head-ache, and constantly, accidentally waking my brother (sleeping on my couch) due to a very involuntary and forceful expulsion of the contents of my stomach through my mouth. (Sorry for the graphic nature of this description, I tried to Wikipedia “vomiting” to find a word that sounded less gross… I failed.)
I listened to my friends gradually waking up/sobering up and arriving to make the most epic breakfast ever. Which I didn’t even manage to eat.
The rest of the day I spent with my family, hardly eating and feeling sick.
January 2nd: The evil takes a short break to allow me to savour the smell of stale alcohol and cleaning supplies.
I felt sick, but well enough to go home and clean up after the party. Due to awesome friends there wasn’t much left to do, and even that I got good help with.
Drove home (Oh, yeah, by the way: I got my drivers license last week…) and had dinner with family. Feeling better, but stayed the night just in case.
January 3rd: The evil returns.
Went home as my mother went to work, confident that I would spend the day preparing my move. After attempts to clean out my closet I realized I needed some sleep. Woke up 2 hours later with a fever and feeling sick. Again.
Read an entire book. Slept some. Sorted through some clothes. Took a break to write this.
How are you impressed with my new year? Wishing you could be me right now?
I know, my life is glamorous…
Also: In celebration of the fact that I’m leaving in 9 days I tried finding a song with the title “9 Days”. This is one of the songs I found, and it reminded me of Five for Fighting, which is a good thing in my book.
11:00 PM on my last non-school-night.
I’m marking the occasion by being bored and updating my iPod. I thought I’d share the experience with you, my two loyal readers, so that you could be bored with me.
Let’s start off with some info about my iPod.
Yes, its name is Petey. Don’t ask why. Take a closer gander at my playlists, though, it may reveal a deeper insight into my life. Actually, it doesn’t really reveal anything about my life, besides the fact that I use my iPod mainly for roadtrips, sleeping, bath-taking, and being emo. Upon further review of the contents of “Emo Times,” I find myself enraptured in laughter:
The Crystal Ship The Doors
Go Your Own Way Fleetwood Mac
Dirty Diana Michael Jackson
Weak and Powerless A Perfect Circle
The Outsider A Perfect Circle
15 Step Radiohead
Eulogy Tool
Pushit Tool
Vicarious Tool
White Summer/Black Mountain Side Led Zeppelin
The Zookeeper’s Boy Mew
Is it a good or bad thing that the closest thing I have to emo music is “Dirty Diana?” I’m gonna go with good.
Changing subjects, I’ve been somewhat in love with The Police as of late. I don’t think I really need to give a reason as to why I’m in love with them; they’re fucking awesome.
(Just a side note here- I have headphones on and I’m the only one upstairs, but I swear to Jesus it just sounded like somebody was walking around behind me. I think I may have sharted my pants a little. I pray it is the ghost of Michael.)
I also went to a show a couple night’s ago. The main performing band was Alter Bridge (you know, Creed minus the overly-Jesusey/alcoholic Scott Stapp and with the addition of Spokane boy Myles Kennedy?), but there were a couple of fairly decent openers: “Like A Storm” and “Taddy Porter.”
Brief description of “Like A Storm:” What seems like your typical douchey hardcore emo band is in reality a group of pretty New Zealand boys that like to play loud music and scream a lot. Overall, surprisingly good. I’m not usually a fan of such bands, but they actually do have some awesome talent behind their cliche manner. I didn’t care for their attempt at covering an Alice In Chains song (a band which should never, ever be covered), but oh well. Acoustic versions make them sound nicer!
As for “Taddy Porter:” The lead singer looks and sounds like the love child of Robert Plant and Joe Cocker (if you don’t know who those people are, then shame on you), the bass player has the most epic red hair I have ever seen, the guitarist is downright fantastic, and the drummer is…well…a fine drummer. They did an okay cover of “I Want You (She’s So Heavy),” but it didn’t really deviate in any way from the original so why even bother? Linkage to a video: Whatever Haunts You
(Damnit, I heard the walking again! Please be cats…please be cats…please be cats…)
Shit, this was a long entry. My bad.
Those of you who have detailed information about my computing history, will know that I used to own a Macbook. Do not hold that against me when writing this.

These are the various iPhone generations. They are evil! And overrated! (i had one)
A while ago, actually quite a long time ago, I came over a news article which told us about Apple, and how ingenious this freakishly humongous computer-imperialism-badboy company is. First of all, all of us have heard rumors about various iProducts. “The next iPhone which will be released soon will have a fancy new screen! The next generation iPad will have USB ports!”. Well, some of these rumors are leaked discretely by Apple before an upcoming release, so that the product appears over and over again in new articles about new rumored features. Thus, everyone knows about products that will launch, and a false excitement of how wonderful a pretty mediocre product will be, flourishes in our heads (Yes, I have been victim to this).
Well, this is probably old news. But the real doobie (I saw Elaine using this word in one of her entries, and found it enthralling) is that they purposely leave out features of first generation products, so that when the next generation pops out, everyone will want to upgrade to a newer one! First generation iPhone did not include MMS, despite this being a feature that even phones from the 1990s have! If i had been able find the news articles (which was well sourced and had lots of striking examples) that I read this in (intense googling did not help), this entry would be much better.

I want one so badly. But I shall resist, because I know of their evil plan!
Also, a documentary aired on a Norwegian TV channel shows us how under capitalism, products are deliberately made so that they are prone to breaking. In the choice between a sturdy product that lasts and a product that will break down and need repairs, capitalists will go for the latter, because you get to charge extra for insurance and repair expenses, and if that cable breaks you’ll need to buy a new one.
Now, I can’t blame this solely on Apple. They are the victims of a system which rewards those who do exactly what Apple do: find brilliant ways to manipulate the public to sell their overrated, overpriced products that are prone to breaking (if you honestly have not seen a single news article about malfunctioning Apple products, you have never seen a newspaper.)
So Apple, as capitalism itself, is wicked, tricksy, false. They plays evil mindgames on us, precious.
And now that I have vented some frustration,
Peace out, liberty cabbage (which is what Americans called sauerkraut after the Germans crapped their pants and did that whole WW1 thing)
PS. Song recommendation, simply because both the artist and the song be awesome:
PPS. How crazy conspiracy theorist am I sounding right now? 😀
PPPS. This entry turned out much longer than i expected. I do apologize, and for those who got through: R.E.S.P.E.C.E.T!
Good Evening.
Yesterday, I was heading home. I had attended a memorial gathering for the night of broken glass, the night the 9th of November 1938, where a series of brutal attacks against Jews in Germany and Austria. We remember this, so that we remember never to allow Nazism and right-wing fascism to return, especially important when there are Nazis in both the Swedish and the Hungarian parliaments. That’s not what I’m blogging about, however.
On the buss ride home, I was listening to the radio. They told the story of a 16 year old girl in 1979, who on a Monday took a gun to school, and killed two adults, and injured several people. She showed no remorse, and when asked why she did it, she said “I don’t like Mondays; this livens up the day.”
The Boomtown Rats, an awesome old rock group, made this song.
Funny world isn’t it, when such a tragedy inspires such a great song?
Attention one and all! The first official threat of snow has reached the city of Spokane (my town)! WOO HOO!
Alright alright, so writing a blog entirely about snow may not be too exciting for the loyal Norwegian fan and author base of BRBcoffee, but it is for me! You see, last winter we got about one week of snow….and that was it (and you tell me global warming isn’t a real thing). I live in one of the northernmost states of America, save Alaska, and so I felt rather gypped when I couldn’t even scrounge together a single snowball. 🙁 However, starting this week, I could start seeing the flakes fly at almost any time.
When the snow starts, that means it’s almost time for Christmas and you know what that means: Christmas music! Oh yeah, baby, I am one of those freaky Americans that loves Christmas music with all her little heart. Not gonna lie, I’m listening to some right now as a prelude to the up and coming holiday season. It’s very strange, I usually try to avoid any and all things related to Christianity, but when it comes to Christmas music, I absolutely love the religious stuff. I know not why, it’s not like I believe in the message, they just tend to be very beautiful- from a purely listener’s point of view.
Now, I suggest you all watch what happens to be one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies, White Christmas: