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This is a most delightful movie, based on a play, which again was based on actual interviews. I trust all of my readers know of the Watergate scandal and Nixon, and will not go into that. What this movie does is try to reenact the Nixon/Frost interviews, where Nixon admitted to having broken the law.

There are some historical accuracies, you may read about them at wikipedia, but all over this is a pretty well done movie. It makes presidential history more interesting than usual, portrays the interviews with mr. Frost as more dramatic than they ever were, and all over invites the watcher into a Hollywood presentation of reality that comes off as a serious documentary. At the end of the movie I was pretty much convinced that I’d been treated to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Wikipedia told me wrong, but what matters is that the movie convinces people that it is telling the truth, and that makes it a very compelling story. I would definitely recommend it to anyone even slightly interested in politics. The actors deliver terrific performances, they’re believable characters that you can identify with despite their roles. The soundtrack could have been better, but not without moving away from the serious documentary style that the producers were obviously going for. I don’t think the movie could have been done better without moving further away from the true story on which it is based. And again, I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The movie is called Frost/Nixon, it is brilliant, and you should watch it. I’m bringing pants.
Song of the Blog: The Shadow of the Past
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What a hassle! I’m so busy it’s not even funny! But eventually school will be over! No matter how much it tries, there will be a point where the intensity can no longer be upped exponentially. I don’t know how many days exactly there are left, but this last week and a half has left me exhausted! Two mock exams last week in Norwegian, Biology this Monday, Physics Tuesday, and finally IT today. The term TGIF has never been more fitting. I swear, they do this on purpose.

So it turns out the judge of the Pirate Bay case was a member of an organization whose raison d’être is to support the industry. Can’t really say that I’m shocked, but it’s amusing. You know, some of the most common jokes in Norway are about swedes and their “intelligence,” and this is just too fitting. The judge didn’t see how his membership would be seen as a conflict of interest? Come on, he had an agenda from the start and we all know it. This just adds to the pile of errors that have been made during the trial, it’s almost like they want to give the Pirate Bay immunity.
I’m too tired to write a long essay for your pleasure right now, it wouldn’t be any good anyways. I can’t write properly if I’m not in the mood, and the only thing that can keep me from getting into it is exhaustion. I’m a night person, did you know? But not today, I’m just too damn tired.
Here, go to ITavisen, have fun!
Song of the Blog: Upon the Oaken Throne
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Demonstrations are lovely things. People rise against in unison. Against what, you ask? This time it was the conclusion of the first Pirate Bay trial. Demonstrations are wonderful ways of letting everyone know that something is wrong somewhere. Of course they’re abused every now and then, and there’s always someone who wants to abuse them all, but the concept is still beautiful. If you’ve never participated in a demonstration, this is a good time to start. I promise you you’ll love it.

Now I’ve already gone through why the sentence is one hundred percent unreasonable, so if you’re not sure about which side to chose in the matter feel, free to go back and read some of my recent posts. Whether or not they’ve trespassed any laws, demonstrating against the sentence is necessary. The system needs to be reminded for whom it was made to serve. If the people disagree with the system, then it’s always the system that has to change.
So if you’re in Sweden, don the scarf, bring your flag, and hit the streets, because history is being written, and you know you want in. What has happened is wrong, and needs to be righted. Get out there and do something about it!
Here is your Norwegian news article!
Song of the Blog: The Great Battle
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A moment for the trial please, it had a sad conclusion… And we’re back! Can’t really let these things have too much of an influence. It was only the lowest instance of the court system, and major mistakes were made. The court should never have accepted the way the prosecution handled the case. New witnesses and evidences were produced from nowhere as if by magic, charges were dropped and rewritten, all during the trial. Evidence put forth by the defendant was ignored in the conclusive documents. Despite how the world could clearly see that our side was winning the case, even without taking sides it was obvious who appeared the stronger, the industry won.

This might not come as a surprise, and really that’s not what’s so strange about the case. What’s strange is the sentence. I’m fine with the charges. I disagree with them, I think they’re completely wrong, but I can see where the prosecution is coming from. There’s no doubt that the industry is damaged by some actions that are carried out on the Pirate Bay, but the fact that the ones on trial have nothing to do with these actions is glaringly obvious to me, and had they chosen another name I doubt they would even have been charged. The sentence? One year of jailtime and $3,620,000 in fines. Really, industry? Jailtime? For setting up a filesharing website? You can’t jail someone for telling the world that they’ve built a house in which they can party like crazy and share what they want, that’s insane! Even if the guys at the Bay had been sitting around making hard copies of everything that’s been shared through the Pirate Bay they wouldn’t have been jailed. Does I smell industry funding?
Read more at ITavisen!
Get ready for round two guys! We will win this in the end.
Song of the Blog: Drought
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Tomorrow is the day! Either it’s the Pirate Bay or the industry, tomorrow is the day of the sentence! Of course it doesn’t really matter who wins, the other will appeal no matter what, but it’s still going to be interesting to see who this court sides with. I side with the pirates, obviosuly.

Song of the blog: Drumroll
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