This is a most delightful movie, based on a play, which again was based on actual interviews. I trust all of my readers know of the Watergate scandal and Nixon, and will not go into that. What this movie does is try to reenact the Nixon/Frost interviews, where Nixon admitted to having broken the law.
There are some historical accuracies, you may read about them at wikipedia, but all over this is a pretty well done movie. It makes presidential history more interesting than usual, portrays the interviews with mr. Frost as more dramatic than they ever were, and all over invites the watcher into a Hollywood presentation of reality that comes off as a serious documentary. At the end of the movie I was pretty much convinced that I’d been treated to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Wikipedia told me wrong, but what matters is that the movie convinces people that it is telling the truth, and that makes it a very compelling story. I would definitely recommend it to anyone even slightly interested in politics. The actors deliver terrific performances, they’re believable characters that you can identify with despite their roles. The soundtrack could have been better, but not without moving away from the serious documentary style that the producers were obviously going for. I don’t think the movie could have been done better without moving further away from the true story on which it is based. And again, I would definitely recommend it to anyone. The movie is called Frost/Nixon, it is brilliant, and you should watch it. I’m bringing pants.
Song of the Blog: The Shadow of the Past