Good evening, revered reader. Since this is my first entry in this blog, i shall use it to introduce myself. My name is Vegard. I’m from Norway, I am 18 years of age and I am a communist. Thus, I shall blog mostly about politics, although I wont put a pin on that, as I’m sure I will want to blog about other stuff from time to time. So, on to my entry.
Over my many years of being a sweaty internet persona, I have come to see something that I really should not be seeing. To quote Supa Sayed, man has no memory. World War 2. Or maybe the apartheid regime in Africa 50 years ago. Or slavery altogether. Nevertheless, inhumanity unprecedented! But people have stopped this. Right? We live in a tolerant society free of this shit. Right? So do i really have to keep going? Yes, because apparently you have all forgotten about it. I see a new trend emerging, not one of clothes or music, but of attitude.
“You fucking jew!”. This is a phrase thats no longer uncommon, as if being a jew inherently is a bad thing! I see the internet spitting out people who joke about persecution of jews, of gass-chambers and auswitch and “Arbeit Macht Frei”. I see people claiming to be Nazis simply because they know that I am a devoted communist. And it sickens me, it strikes me right to the core that people can be so through-and-through rotten, ignorant and fucking retarded (Pardon my french). Its not just fascism and nazism, its also general racism. One word: Nigger. Perpetuated greatly by the internet community whos name shall not be mentioned, its now everywhere, and on everyones lips.
Even people who arent intently racist now use it as a term for people of african descent (i have come to the conclusion that that is the only way to distinct people by something as irrelevant as skin-colour without making it sound racist in my head).
I suppose this trend could mean that fraces that weren’t always considered racist but in the past has been used as a degrading term of oppression and apartheid, is starting toloose its edge. Still, personally I don’t feel entirely comfortable with blatantly racist terms becoming part of everyday talk. Because despite what seems to be a general “truth”, that we live in a tolerant society with no room for racism, we actually do. Racism is everywhere, and it can’t be dismissed.
And normalization of harsh terms is not helping, if anything its making racism seem alright, and its mocking all the deaths, all the hardships and all the shit that mankind has exposed itself to. When you encounter racism daily through speech and reading, you get the idea that its okay. And not only do you feel acceptance for the racist feelings you may have (im not saying everyone harbors them), but those who don’t inherently give a damn about trivial man-made distinctions based upon generalization and discrimination might start doing so. Which is not a good thing.
What am i trying to say? Stop acting like racists. Its pathetic, outdated and childish. How are we supposed to evolve as a species, when we can’t move past several hundred year old ideas of apartheid, that never seem to be quite as gone and forgotten as we would like to think?