Jimmy Page has changed.
- When did you become Chinese?!
- Sweet Jesus, no.
How did such a thing happen? What went wrong? Did his dabbling in black magic do this?
The answer is no. After extensive googling, it turns out Jimmy Page actually does have some Chinese ancestry. Why has it only recently appeared, though? For that, I have no answer. All I can tell you is that I was rather shocked at what popped up when searching for images of him. Perhaps I have this idolized mental picture of Page in his heyday, rocking out on stage in one of those satiny, bell-bottom suits with dragons crawling up the leg and his chest bared for the world to see, which is totally being contradicted by the more recent images of this other-worldly, albeit aged, man. What comforts me is the knowledge that after I finish and post this blog, all that will remain is that beautiful picture in my mind and gone will be the not-so-subtle reminder that even our heroes get old and eventually die.
Woah. That may have been a bit too deep for a blog about Jimmy Page looking Chinese. So be it.