Archive for the ‘Life’ Category
As I was updating my personal “About”-page to fit more recent events in the location-like department (i.e. bragging about finally leaving Bodø to go live in Tromsø, which is way cooler!) I came to think of a political cause that I care greatly about, that doesn’t get enough focus in todays society, that the politicians deprioritize time and time again, but that is also really important…
Based on the title and this introduction there are two important political causes I could be writing about. Before we continue, would you like to venture a guess as to which one I am going to write about?
[poll id=”38″]
To avoid cheating i will fill some space with a big, old and edited picture of me with crazy hair, so that you can’t see the upcoming text. Do not cheat, capiche?
So… All the reasons why I love trains:
- Trains are old-fashioned, and thus romantic.
- There is no stressing when it comes to train-travel. No security check-points, no boarding and take-off and landing and what not. You get on, you hang out, you get to where you wanna be.
- People are nicer on trains. (Probably because of the romance and lack of stress thing.)
- I always meet the nicest, funniest or most interesting people on trains.
- Trains are better for the environment.
- You’re never as rested after a nap as you are after a nap on a train. (At least I ain’t…)
- Trains are means to traveling that aren’t airplanes. Airplanes suck. Logically: Trains must be amazing.
- Last but not least: How can you NOT love this:
There is only one problem when it comes to my current living situation and my love for trains… Tromsø doesn’t have a railway.
Bodø is the last stop on the norwegian railway. Everything north of Bodø and Fauske is train-less. (Except for the stretch between the norwegian town Narvik and the swedish town Kiruna, originally used to transport ore, or something…)
Why is the north of Norway without trains? Because the only one ever to actually bother building railway in the north of Norway lost all power before he finished. I am of course talking about Hitler, so it isn’t a bad thing that he lost all his power, but it would have been nice if the norwegian government had continued his work in this general area. Like they promised to do. Time and time again. But never did.
There is a railway-station in Tromsø, actually. And 4 metres or something of actual tracks. They were promised a railway by the government, you see, and celebrated this by building a station. And aquiring 4 metres of track to pass this station. The train never arrived, and the station is now one of the pubs in Tromsø with probably the highest age-average. (Oh, and I’ve been there and will be there again, because I loved it a bit…) As for the 4 metres of train-tracks, they are leant up against some wall. 4 metres of train-tracks aiming for the sky. A true railway to heaven.
Anyways, I’m clearly trailing of, and I’ve lost all track of time, so I think this will be it for today….
Forever yours,
(Ps.: None of the facts in this entry have been checked against accurate sources. So it may be 8 metres of railway and not 4… Please don’t choo me! And I don’t think there’s any big mistakes, I’m just covering my tracks…)
It seems like I’m late for everything this week… Don’t you just hate the feeling of being late? And since I have neither a car nor a license, I am entirely at the mercy of the bus drivers… and if you live in or around Stavanger, you know that’s not a good thing…
Being late for meetings is the worst, because you’re not just, or even at all, missing out on anything, you’re just holding everybody else up and wasting their time, a commodity few among us have a lot of. And you have to feel their blaming looks when you enter the room. They might play it cool and welcome you, verbally, but you can still feel their eyes stabbing you repeatedly for being such a lazy ass.
As you might have already guessed, that is the situation I am in now. Meeting started one minute ago, unless I am gravely mistaken, which does happen, and I am only on the first of my two busrides, and you just know the next one will be extra super late. It’s raining outside, naturally, so everyone’s mood is already low, and mine will be even worse after I’ve had to wait in the infernal stuff.
I wrote an essay in high school once where I proposed that time was mankind’s most ill-conceived invention, and I stand by what I said back then. The moment we invented time was the moment people started being late for shit, and in all likelyhood the reason why wars sprang into existence. Some head of state came in late one too many times and the exceedingly punctual one, there’s always one of them, just lost his or her shit.
I hate being late. I hate this shitty weather, and I hate time. And why the hell can I add media from the wordpress app, but not decide where it should be placed!?
Song of the blog: Welcome To The Black Parade, by MCR
Yours in good and bad times
PS: I totally updated our about page last night! Go read our story!
Now with 100% more keyboard! I went and bought myself an HTC Desire Z when my Hero mysteriously disappeared last weekend, and it arrived in the mail yesterday! So naturally, it has already been rooted and has had its ROM replaced with a custom one from Team Villain <3
At the present I am heading up to campus after brainwashing recruiting more communists at St. Olav high school in Stavanger. For being such a blue school, they were quite open to our stuff! Fun!
Shiet, didn’t charge my phone last night, only 2% battery left! See ya!
Your lovely admin
I’m laying around in bed feeling sorry for myself. Why? Because I’m sick.
This thursday I went to a concert (Kråkesølv, think I’ve mentioned them before…) and I was feeling kinda sick, but figured it was nothing. To make a short story long: I woke up in the middle of the night running a fever, I slept for 10 hours straight, I slept some more, and I’ve seen the entire second season of True Blood since yesterday.
There is something that makes being sick worse, and that is being alone and sick. So the fact that I’m in a new town kind of makes this bad timing. And the fact that my old man (this being my man whom happens to be old, not my father…) is in Oslo for the weekend doesn’t help.
So what could make the “sick and alone”-scenario worse? How about living in a student housing building, on a floor with a high “party the same weekend Frida is sick”-rate. Last night it woke me up, tonight it is preventing me from sleeping.
Oh, yeah, and missing out on my plans with a friend, just to stay in bed and eat pizza and have waking fever dreams. Big fun, I tell you!
So yeah, I’m feeling sorry for myself. As should you! And also: If you haven’t seen True Blood yet you should do that too. (Don’t worry, you can do both at the same time… I know I do!)
Infectuosly yours,
The title of this post sounds more emo than it is, I promise.
For the past week I’ve had the best sleep in a long time. The feeling of being somewhere new, doing something for myself which feels right, the air, everything! And yet, this one night when I need to sleep because I have to go to school in the morning, because I didn’t go today, because I had a political thing to attend, this is the night that my head chooses not to be the least bit tired.
Sure, my body is so fatigued it probably wouldn’t support me if I decided to get up and try doing some kind of exhausting activity, and my brain and cognitive functioning is probably at the point of forgetting simple balance and grammar. (Oh, by the way: I’m taking a linguistic class now!) But my head, also known as my mind, is running around in circles around my brainstem, pointing and laughing and probably even flipping it off, if my mind is the kind to have hands and fingers of its own.
So why is my mind so awake when the rest of me wants sleep? I wish I knew. All I know is that it happens from time to time, and it is no fun at all. I’m yawning, my eyes are hurting, I start feeling sick, but I still close my eyes and lay completely still and nothing. Just pain, the feeling of sick, weird thoughts and psychedelic night-like terrors such as the mental image of worms all over my body, or king crabs everywhere on the floor. And this keeps me awake.
Hopefully, if your mind works the same way as mine, now that you read about it you won’t get to sleep either due to the images of the crabs and the worms and their flesh-eating tendencies.
Sweet dreams!