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You know what grinds my gears? Have a blessed day!

I answered the phone because my doctor’s office called, and at the end they said “have a blessed day.” I walked into starbucks today and was told to “have a blessed day.” Why might this bother a religious person, you may ask? I’LL TELL YOU WHY.

These companies–whether it be starbucks or my doctor’s office–use “have a blessed day” to make us tip them. To make us think to ourselves ‘Why looky there! There’s a nice person, she even told me to have a blessed day’ or ‘man, I should donate ALL MY MONEY to this person.’

IT SHOULDN’T BE LIKE THAT. Human beings shouldn’t use religion as an excuse to get money. They shouldn’t use their religion to get ahead in this world. However, tell any politician that, tell any church that, tell any human being that. We use everything to get more money, whether it be our children or our religion.

Why the hell are we so focused on this money? How do we justify bringing our own religion into something to get a little more of it?

Where the hell is the line? Where will we say “oh, wait a minute, that isn’t cool” to someone telling us to have a blessed day, or that the Lord will bless and keep us? AND, finally, WHEN THE FUCK WILL MONEY NOT MATTER SO MUCH IN MODERN SOCIETY? (go socialists go go go!)

Anyway, have a blessed day.

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Alright, hi everyone.

A while ago i bought me a netbook. To be exact, i bought an Acer Aspire One, 532. Lets review my laptop story for a moment: It started with a laptop i acquired when i was about 15, which had the computing power of a glass of water. When i started high school i got another one, which crashed within the year. So i got another one, which crashed, so i got another one. Which crashed. I then got a mac, which for all incests and coinpurses did what it was supposed to. But shit was too expensive and started being a twat. So i sold it, and now i have a netbook!

When i got my netbook, it was preinstalled with windows 7 extremely-basic-lol. I could not even change my goddamn desktop background, because that was a feature too advanced for me! (thats right). Alright, so back when i last bought a laptop with windows on it, it at least contained a windows install disc of the home basic. This one didn’t. Fine, i wasn’t planning on keeping windows, shittymcshitshit that it is.

I downloaded  Ubuntu Netbook Remix, a brilliant netbook-optimized ubuntu version. And i am loving it. It is awesome, pretty, useful, and makes my loins jingle with chocolatey goodness!

So thanks Internet, you rock! That is all.

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I suppose i have to start blogging again, since i used the horridly overcomplicated bullshit system that is Tumblr. Since brbcoffee has had somewhat of a makeover since last time, with the addition of other writers, i will dedicate myself to this venue in its entirety. Congratulations.

On to business, yes? I am gonig to make this short. I just got a note in the mail saying i have been called in to serve in the norwegian army. Here in norway men are obliged to serve if seemed physically and mentally fit by the army (because fuck equality, men HAVE to, women don’t). Anyways, i had my session-test-thing like 3 years ago, they told me my vision was too poor so i wouldn’t get called in. Since then my vision has degraded even more, so now i get called in. Yay. I don’t really care, i am not going. I am using my master as an excuse, as you can here in norway, to get it delayed. If they in 4.5 years still want me in i am using my practical-pedagogical studies to delay it further.

If they still insist on calling me in, after i am most likely blind without my contacts on, i will refuse and take civile duty. Because i refuse to be part of the hypocritical bullshit army that is the Norwegian one. Its generals going to Thailand to fuck street hookers for my tax money, its rules clearly making a distinction between men and women, not to speak of the blatant fucking indoctrination of its privates so that everyone that comes out loves the war in Afghanistan. I will do no such thing.

Fuck the government, fuck the army, and fuck capitalism. Obviously. Until next time,


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Well, because this is my first blag, I guess I will introduce myself and whatnot. I am Elizabeth, I am close to being seventeen years old, and I live in the United States. Just as a warning, most of my blogs will be on Religion; I like Religion. However, this one will break away from that mold a tad. Why? Because it’s easy this way.

Three days ago in the mail, I got a letter from a Time Capsule that I wrote to myself when I was six–which was a little more than ten years ago. I’ll pick and choose a few parts because some of it I can’t read/understand and I’ll try to make it more flowing than it really is.

Dear Future Me,

I am six. I like bears. I want to be a Princess. I hope you are a Princess by now. My best friend is Tray. I hope he is still me best friends. (BAD GRAMMAR, SIX YEAR OLD ME, BAD GRAMMAR!) My dog is T-Rex. He is the better (I guess I mean best. Oye.) I live in the best house in the world. I share a room with my brother and my sister. Sunflowers are the better (best) flower. I love everyone.

I think the future will be changed. (different, perhaps?)  We might have channels on our tb (I guess I mean tv, not tuberculosis) other than the one. I think their (there) will be floating cars in 2010. I think all meanness (I think war would be better under context) will go away and everyone will be smiling.

I give you my mickey mouse watch that grandmother gave me. It is good and the better (best).

Truly Yours,


The lingering thoughts from my childhood still correspond with my every day life. I still want to be a Princess. I want to marry a Prince and have every little thing handed to me. I want to let everyone else worship me–even to this day. It’s just one of the things that I will always want; it’s one of those unrealistic ideologies that we get as children that stay with us for our entire life. But trying to hang on to the past isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Keeping dreams has more pros than cons, and I’d encourage it in anyone.

The rest of the paragraph saddens me. About a month after I wrote this letter, we moved from my birthplace in Virginia all the way to Massachusetts. I came back to that town in Virginia last year the week that my best friend as a child–Tray–got hit by a vehicle and died. T-Rex had the same fate in Massachusetts.

The paragraph about the future is intriguing. Whether it is childhood innocence that fueled the paragraph, or me just acting like myself, the simplistic thought process of a six year old is possibly also the best thought process. No more meanness in the world. I guess I can expand that to no more war, no violence, and no cruelty. Aren’t I just the best optimist in the world? I think so.

What does this all mean, you may ask? It is simple! A fundamental theme of humanity is to dream. It is to hope, whether it be for Princess-hood or to remain friends with someone from first grade to eleventh. Even though some of these dreams don’t come true, and especially even if the future isn’t as expected, we, human beings, have got to continue to dream. We have got to constantly hope, whether it be in something like having cable in ten years or receiving a Mickey Mouse watch, there always needs to be hope.

So regardless of whether you are six or sixteen (or sixty… or six hundred), you need to constantly have faith in something. It doesn’t matter what it is, just always have faith, always have hope, and always have dreams.

P.S. If you’re a Prince, let’s get married.

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Alright, it’s been a while since my last blog entry. I don’t have a lot of time for it lately, but I’m gonna try to squeeze a few out where i can.

What I wish to talk about today, is something called a vote of no confidence. This is a motion to recall an elected official from his position, done if a majority of some group agrees that this person no longer serves the best interest of the country. In Norway, members of parliament can form together to move for a vote of no confidence, either in the government or specific people in government (also if a single government has more than 2 votes of no confidence against members of it, the government has to resign).

What does this do? Well, it’s a system for keeping politicians in check. So that they can’t just go rampant and do whatever the hell they want with their elected positions, they have to keep the peoples best interest in mind. After all, the parliament is representatory of the supreme people as chosen through a votation. So if a member of government or the government itself no longer serves the people, the peoples direct representatives can recall it. At least in Norway. And it’s a nice thought.

In Venezuela, they have something similar to this. In addition to the parliament moving for a vote of no confidence, the people can do this as well if enough people sign a petition for it. Thus, if a great enough part of the population moves for a vote of no confidence in the president he has to resign. I take my hat off for Venezuela, because this is pure brilliance, and it is highly democratic and admirable.

If the president no longer serves the people, they can throw him and elect another one better suited. You know what this ensures? It ensures that issues stay on topic after election campaigns. In Norway, as I’m sure in the rest of the world, politicians are great at making promises before elections. Not so good at keeping them, and that’s a shame. This recalling system, the fact that the supreme people have the power not only to appoint its leadership but to throw it, is nothing short of brilliant. I believe a certain vendetta-fueled rebel said something about how the state should fear its people. And imagine how the world would have been if our leaders were afraid of us, and therefore couldn’t, for instance, go to war on Iraq because it felt  fucking good idea at the time?

Yes I am aware of the fact that 18 states in the US has the ability to recall their governors, but that’s a bit irrelevant to the point I’m trying to make. I think. Anyways, I’m ending this entry now. No proper ending on it, so salutations and farewell to ye all.


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