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This has been the best christmas I can remember to date. Living with my parents, getting to practice my driving a lot before my driver’s test, lots of awesome food which I didn’t have to prepare, board-games and lots of fun.

I’ve also gotten to spend a lot of time with fellow-bloggist “Vegard” (aka. The SUCKER!) and this led to me winning the best bet ever last night.

Allow me to explain: The SUCKER has a brother. Last night we were at a bar with said brother. The SUCKER and I were sitting at a table with some people, The Brother was at another table. Long story short: The SUCKER wagered a life-time of buying me one drink each time we’re out that I wouldn’t dare to just walk over and sit down in The Brother’s lap, I did, I won. Lots of kudos to me, please.


(PS.: I probably won’t hold The SUCKER to it, as the joy of winning is enough.)

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It’s christmas time in the city!

And by “The City” I mean my parents house. I have fled home for the holidays, all the way across town, to celebrate with the people I love… And am related to.

This christmas I actually feel the holiday-spirit filling me to the brim and making me happy and dancing ad singing. Having a couple weeks of vacation before christmas really helps. It gave me the time to have fun with friends, buy all the presents and do stupid christmas stuff. Not obsessing about anything also helps. And two wonderful (and quite sexy…) new outfis for the holidays REALLY helps.

Also: Being in love definately makes me more holiday-ish. Knowing that I have an apartment and a life waiting for me in Tromsø in 20 days is very helpful.

Clearly the same goes for the rest of my family as well. (Not the part about me leaving making them happy, but the being in love-thingy.) This is particularly noticable on my younger brother, who just got himself a girlfriend. His mood is clearly improved. Which is a relief to those living with him.

All in all: A very happy christmas.

Warm and loving greetings,

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Pardon the pun people, but the point is: I’ve got overalls!

I had overalls growing up, and I just loved how comfy they are. And also practical! And I wanted overalls to wear for those casual and laid back occasions that my life seems to be based entirely on lately.

Well, now I won’t have to long for overalls any longer, because my wonderful mother gave me these last week. So now I’m cleaning the apartment sporting a denim overall from my mother and a Bon Jovi t-shirt from my father. Parents are the best! (And yes, I know, this is totally the 80’s look…)

I actually have a pair of red overalls from the year I graduated High School. A nice norwegian tradition is to wear a pair of red overalls for 17 days, without cleaning them, while doing stupid stuff. This is me sporting the red “Russe”-overalls on a mountain hike. They were actually quite good for the purpose. Practical. Lots of pockets.

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But enough with the overall-talk, I was supposed to tell you about my weekend! I’m done with my year of political studies, and I don’t have to go into work until tuesday. Conclusion: This weekend is the best!

Tonight is also my favorite yule-tide tradition: The tasting of the Yule-tide brew! There are 5 brews in our test-group, and we will rate which one is the best. I will also make a nice yule-tide dinner, and we have aquavit to go with it. A very norwegian evening with fish, beer and aquavit.

Yes people: Frida loves her life when she isn’t stressed about exams!


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When I’m sick I get really whiny and dramatic about it. Not because I actually believe I’m about to die, but because I feel like shit, and when I feel like shit I need to do something supernegative to get it out or something superpositive to make it better. When I’m sick, superpositive things aren’t easy to come across and do.

When I’m sick while reading for my last exam of the year, superpositive things are even rarer to come across. So I whine, I bitch, I eat junk and I whine some more. Like right now: Eating peanuts and chocolate-mix (with not enough chocolate), whining to myself and silently cursing the post-man for making a lot of noise right outside my apartment.

Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a short introduction to my past days and weeks of being sick, exam-bound and whiny. Hope you all enjoyed it.

I give all my worldly belongings to whoever finds me dead on the shower-floor, and I will give a lot of love to whoever does my grocery shopping for me, so I won’t have to go to the store.


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After Vegard’s post on why he wants to become a teacher I have felt that I wanted to do a similar post, seeing as I am studying for the same goal. And tonight seems to be the right time for that post.

Why is this such a good time? Maybe because I am currently reading up on school politics for a debate tomorrow. Or maybe because I just chose my major last week. Or maybe both?

When I went to high-school I didn’t have the best of times. My first three years of it I was living in Belgium with my family, and I had some subjects in the norwegian school and some in the american school. I didn’t want to be in Belgium, and the people in Belgium didn’t seem much pleased to have me there either. It was hard, and I didn’t feel like I fitted in. I wasn’t the sweet and cute cheerleader-type of girl, and I wasn’t quite as outspoken as I am now.

I was good in school, but I didn’t want to be there. And the teachers didn’t make it any easier. I wanted a teacher who understood that everything wasn’t all right, but no-one seemed to notice. I went to quite drastic meassures to let it show, and I suffered from periods of depressions.

The third year in Belgium, while in 9th grade, I found somewhere to belong. People who I could concider friends. Things seemed better, but I was still fucked up. I didn’t want to be in class, or in the classroom at all. I did good in classes, but getting up in the morning was hard.

The first couple of years back in Norway were okey. I always did good in school, and I made some friends. But the last year of High School was bad again. I had gone through a lot, I was tired and felt alienated from everything. I didn’t want to go to class. I didn’t want to do anything. I wanted to sleep. I had friends, but I felt alone. I did good in school, and I had my plans and my goals, but I had a teacher who saw that I was struggling with even showing up enough to get my diploma.

This teacher is the reason I didn’t quit. He asked to talk to me, and I told him that I wanted to quit and take a year of, but I knew my parents wouldn’t like it. And he knew that the risk of me never returning to school was big. He helped me through it. He had an open door if I needed to talk, he let me take classes off as long as I did the work. He talked to my other teachers, and thanks to him I got my diploma.

I want to become a teacher to change the way school works. I want to become a teacher to help those who aren’t sure if they’ll make it. I want to become a teacher who isn’t afraid of asking a student what’s wrong, and how I can help.

The school-system is fucked up when teachers see students missing classes and not getting their diplomas without helping them.

The school-system is fucked up when students don’t want to go to school because of the way they’re treated by fellow students and teachers, and no-one does anything to fix it.

And the school-system is fucked up when students in trade-school have to learn Shakespeare, but can’t speak in english about their own profession.

A big problem in Norway is students who quit high-school, never to finish it. Good students who get tired, because the classes aren’t generated to meet their needs.

The teachers are supposed to be there for the students, not the other way around. And thanks to my one teacher who really understood that, I actually finished high-school and am now studying to be a teacher. If I can do that same effort for my students then I will concider my work a success.

Openly yours,

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