The endless paradox, how can so called revolutionaries hoist their colors while at the same time playing the political field, a game clearly tilted in favor of the old system? Indeed, isn’t parliamentarism itself one of the things that need to be torn up by the root when the red revolution comes?
We should all be able to agree that the social democratic project hasn’t exactly played out the way we had hoped it would, and yet the socialist parties of today are so mortified of being compared to the dictatorships of the previous millennium that they end up being softer than the old social democrats were! We, yes we, marginalize ourselves by yielding to the pathetic arguments of the opposition, and this while playing their game! We’re like a team of hunters challenging Manchester United to a game of football, severely outnumbered, more dangerous by far, but ignoring the obvious solution of just shooting the fuckers! Ah, figuratively of course. I love football. Actually, that’s a lie, but I tolerate it. I promise I dont’t plan on killing sir Alex. First. Kidding.
I was planning on a blog explaining the question in the title, but I appear to have made up my mind before I even got halfway through. We vehemently protest when we’re confronted with our past, we even claim to be unrelated to it! And then we wonder why people don’t know who we are, and much less what we believe in. We are revolutionaries, damnit! Of course we have something in common with Lenin, sans the senseless slaughter and dictatoring (I’m making it a word!) of course! But that argument just won’t fly in a debate, and we’re lucky if we’re ever offered a single seat in parliament.
So what should we do instead? The revolution won’t come if we keep doing what we’re doing now, and it won’t help any if no one ever sees a revolutionary again either. How do you make your politics visible to the people without participating in the one game we can’t win?
I don’t know.
Busride ends here.