Sup dudes and ladydudes! Long time no chat! Guess what I’m doing? I’m hanging out at the NuMusic office! What’s NuMusic you ask? Why it’s this totally awesome festival we’re arranging in Stavanger this fall! Wait, allow me to put on my other hat… There we go! Hi there, I’m Bjørn, the office hermit, pleased to meet you
So, yeah, NuMusic! Why should you come to this festival, you ask? Because it’s totally awesome, of course! Why is it awesome? Because I work here, duh.
You want something more concrete, don’t you? Well, how about I tell you some of the bands that have been released? Yeah, that’d be cool. Are you ready for this? Alright, now please don’t squeal too loudly, you’ll wake the neighbors.
Ze list:
- Datarock (remember what I said about squealing now)
- Grandmaster Flash
- Anti Pop Consortium
- Mount Kimbie
Alright! But hold your horses, the ticket system isn’t up just yet. But we’re hard at work getting it ready for the masses! Just remember, you charge when I shout charge!
Hasta NuMusic siempre!
In other news, the server guys are giving me shit about cpu overusage, but I’m working with some guys to get it worked out. We’ll be up and flying again in no time! And there’s one little secret still in the works, which I don’t really want to spoil beforetime, seeing as it can still fall into pieces in my hands, but rest assured, it’s gonna be wicked.
What do I want you to walk away with having read this post?
Never count the Burnie out, and get your gorgeous ass over to!
Song of the blog: Don’t Stop Me Now
Yours forever
The lovely admin